Diablo 3 Download Problem. Failed - Network Error

Hi, I’m using a Macbook Pro running version 10.15.1. Every time I try to download Diablo 3 or Battle net, the download gets interrupted and says “Failed - Network error”. I’ve tried with Chrome and Safari browsers and even with different WIFI connections. Even deactivated the firewall and still didn’t work.

Any help on how to solve the issue?

Hey, AleAusejo! Thats a bit odd that it’s happening with different connections. Do you have any updates for any of the browsers at the moment?

Try installing on a different region. Here’s the EU region. Could you try a New Admin account?

If it continues, could you run a pathping test to us.patch.battle.net for a few minutes? Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:

Pathping Here

I’m having the same issue right now.

Download never even gets to 1500kb before showing ‘Failed - Network Error’ message.

Any help?

Only using MBA but still…

Hey there,

Typically this download error is network related as the message suggests. It’s usually either bad cache data in the local modem or router, or security settings that are set too high.

I’ve seen some players bypass it using a VPN, though that’s not something I can technically suggest since it involves third party software. Doing anything like that would be on your own.

Could also try power cycling the computer and network devices, or doing a factory reset on the router/modem. Though outside of that testing a different network is typically the best solution.

Keep in mind that connecting to different access points on the same network is not the same as testing a different network.

Hope this helps! Cheers!

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