Yeah I don’t know what can be done about bots except maybe on the most obvious behaviors (like the ones advertising third parties websites selling items). Other than that a bot script can easily mimic human behavior and remain under radar. I’m in no way a coding guy, just elaborating on my basic understanding of it.
I played World of Warcraft Classic until off and on (did month sub than canceled) that blizzard game has a by month fee and there were stil bots I saw on it and spam mail in my mailbox to buy gold or services. This game has no revenue after u buy it once. Why would you expect a team of anti bot Diablo Rez bot banners to be funded by blizzard? I suppose the first few months they will try to crush them but after a few months and new game sales deep expect support to boot bots to plunge like helicopter money plunge protection teams spreading fake fiat everywhere.
I just want the game to have an unlimited all character account block so I can block one boter spamming and then block him from joining my public games or me hearing any of his script…
I’m going to bet these crappy kolbots will get banned pretty fast when D2 goes to the new detection system. Who knows though. I’m kind of indifferent at this point. Bots been around so much I stopped caring. 24/7 baal runs and all of that crap