Diablo 2 Classic QOL

All Settings Should Have QOL Upgrades…
how dumb is it to say… well we are going to give everyone shared stash except for Expansion?

or we are going to give everyone shared stash Except for Hardcore Classic

why would you ever want to single one section OUT of Quality of Life Changes?
id actually even go one step further and even insist that Classic Also Even Has Swap botton Like Expansion Does… Why Not??? its just a Quality Of Life Change Expansion Chars Can Press a Botton To Swap To Battle orders Gear, But We Cant? Wtf…


Yea, Classic D2: R should receive as much love as LoD D2: R! Even if they just give Classic D2: R the larger personal stash, and shared stash tabs that would be much appreciated! :slight_smile:


Very much agreed! Hoping for this.