Diablo 2 Anniversary Event in D3

So The Darkening of Tristram is here, and i was thinking… why celebrate only Diablo 1?
They could also do an event to celebrate Diablo 2. Like some portals opening to the last leves of each of the Diablo 2 act bosses so we can relive the fights with Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo and Baal.
Please Blizzard consider this, D2 needs also some love and celebration in D3 glory :smiley:


I’d say no, I don’t want something that only occurs one month out of the year.
I’d rather have them work on something to upgrade the game or something else like the pending sets.

The Darkening of Tristram event was neat/ok, but they could of did something else which would of been used a lot more. At least for me after doing it once or twice, I don’t have any want to really go thru it again.


My thought.

First, D2 is always here, why not celebrate D2 in D2?

Second, if celebrate D2 in D3, it feel like D2 is already a history :slight_smile:

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D2 was and still is amazing, i recently started a HC necro , the game still excites me , it is a masterpiece, One of my fav areas is Act 4 , they really got the feel of it right imo.

And i have the USB stick and Skull with Diablo 2 on it from the D3 CE on my pc here sitting proudly on top , if i had one wish for D4 it would be that they bought back the Necro golems how they were in D2 , the iron golem even though it melted pretty fast most of the time was one of my fav things.

One can dream!

I doubt that they have budget for that at this moment. D3 is pretty much in maintenance mode until the arrival of D4.

I think having a Diablo 2 event would be cool!

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Since D2 is way more content then D1 it is better if they just properly remaster it

It doesn’t need to be like that. D2 has 5 acts, so they could make it a 5 months thing. Or just create a new game mode with D1 and D2 events.

Also, i made a post that shows they can make most of D2 maps using D3 ones:

My idea for the event would be like this.
To find clues for the 5 portals, one in each of the acts, that will send you in the Diablo 2 world, in the last map before the fight with the boss of that act. So we’ll get to find and fight again with Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, D2 Diablo and Baal.
Each of them should give us some unique items or mats, inspired from famous D2 items.

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D2 is blizzards greatest game of all time and anything remotely related to it was completely snuffed out in D3.

A D2 event in D3 would no doubt heal old wounds.

That would be great.

I was thinking the brothers could give their soulstones as reward (like they do in the Darkening of Tristram). Each stone can be used as a legendary gem on our helmets or can be used at the cube to open a portal to the uber versions of each boss.

Also, we could use the 3 stones in the cube to get the black soulstone. This one can be used on our chest armor as a legendary gem or can be used to trap the souls of the other bosses and be used at the cube to open a portal too… (still thinking what it could be: maybe something like the infernal machine where we kill the uber version of all bosses or a special map? don’t know).

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Diablo 2 is a far more expansive game than Diablo 1, period. 2 is being sold, 2 has used online servers, 2 is quite available and remains popular. There is no reason to go through the effort of porting 2 content into 3 when that is a fairly sweeping effort. For 1’s unique position, it is ultimately a different class of game.

And frankly, I never liked the ‘open for 1 month’ deal in the first place with 1.