DHA Review [Beta] - Report Bugs/Issues

With that PvP problem could be solved, but the PvE ladder competition will be bad. How fast you can teleport to baal throne in 1000 runs will make a huge difference in the leaderboard

I also wrote

  • Find a solution so spells are not cast beyond 16:9
    And I meant teleport by that.

All true! Keep it up!


Seems like they did it mate. I just edited the post look at it. You cast teleport but itā€™s actualy limited. Check it.
However the problem for UW user (like you right) is the ugly black bars. They can fix this by rendering environnement and hiding rest.


I think if you render only environment then you often see like 1/2 of single mob on screen which would make it feel very awkward.
Render everything, limit targeting area to 16:9.
Make it so that if you left click to move on 21:9 area then character still moves towards destination so it would make it feel natural.


Awesome points DHA. Hopefully Blizzard/VV takes this post seriously. Youā€™ve provided good alternative solutions and explained how both PVM and PVP are affected. This is what testing is all about, keeping the game faithful to the original.


On the topic of WSG not working and weapon swapping in general, I have two things to add:

First this: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/beta-feedback-weapon-swap-default-skill-unbinds/40160/26 ā† This is a problem and it just needs to work the same way it did in Diablo 2 legacy.

Secondly, if anyone else didnā€™t notice, the weapon swap sound effect is way too loud in my opinion. It sounds like someone is smacking a tin garbage can on the side of their garage every time you weapon swap. I think it would be easier on everyoneā€™s ears if it just made a slight small noise like it did in Diablo 2 legacy.


Great post, well thought out. Needs to be confirmed as read and taken into great consideration by the devs ASAP.


I just want to thank you for this post, you have my support and I hope that from many people who have played the beta like me and who want to positively help us to have this devil 2 for another 20 years more.

I hope you add more to this post so that the list of everything that can be improved can be increased and that your message is always on top and is attended by blizzard.

I would add improvements in the lobby system, do tab between name and pass ā€¦ the information of the characters in the same game (sometimes you cannot see the level of the other players in a party) the system of not being able to double click game names for a quick copy paste, double click names, chat in game ā€¦ and more things that now i dont remember.

Well and I imagine that the game will come out without a ladder, obviously we will have to see the failures that occur in nightmare and hell, as well as the runewords, items and the two chars that we still could not see ā€¦and so on

I just hope that all this serves in a constructive way, as I said before to be able to play an improved D2 and be able to enjoy it for 20 more years.



Did you also notice that maggot eggs couldnā€™t be targeted with alot of projectile spells such as icebolt or firebolt?


awesome review, speaking truth to the real gameplay problems of such a high potential remaster


Most of this is a random old player whining the meta changed.

Iā€™m glad theyā€™re fixing a bunch of glitches.

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Youā€™re a fine example of someone who shouldnā€™t have a voice. Why are you even here?

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If thereā€™s any bug post Blizz actually pays attention to, I hope its this one.


Vouch all of this.

If you had to fix anything Blizzard, keep WSG in D2Rā€¦ this is the big one that is crucial

Also CT teleport distance is too far at the moment. It means chainlocking (huge part of pvp) will be no more pretty much. Iā€™d suggest making it so you cant teleport or cast any spells through the C or T windows?

Finally like DHA suggested, make it so we can change the names on the map to Barbarian, Necromancer etc etc to cause less confusion during pvp


vouch & very good post, well put together, agree with all of this.

(19 yearā€™s playing d2 & LoD) i was so impressed with the QoL changes and the graphics and keeping true to the original, but there is still some unresolved issues mentioned here.


You are a legend, Dha!

For real!

Hope this compilation will reach blizzard teamā€™s ears!!



Nice job, agree with ALMOST everythingā€¦ WSG is a bug in mechanics. Yes, it makes more chars viable and playable but still a bug :smiley: I also think it should not be fixed but iā€™m not as sure as you to be honestā€¦ Let me do some deep thinking - and maybe iā€™ll change my mind completely :smiley:

By the way, a HUGE BUG IN LOBBY - Tab button does not change the active field from Game to Password - noone wants to use mouse in this case!


Weapon switching interrupting animations isnā€™t a glitch, its a feature. The original developers coded weapon switching to reset your animation every time you do it and allowed you to weapon switch during hit recovery animations, which is what allows you to spam weapon switch to escape FHR locks. Without this feature, the PvP metagame completely falls apart.


totally agree
hope blizzard listens