Developpers, please make lightning spells white not blue/purple. I love you

Hi, First of all the game looks gorgeous. The art is breathtaking. I can’t be happier. However, the only thing I would like to see is lightning spells have the white color, not blue.

I really want white lightning again. Maybe even with a super subtle pink/orange plasma effect after the strike that you see with super high voltage. I’m tired of the blue lightning that looks like static sparks.
I hope powerful one-off lightning strikes have thunder echos that you hear a moment later or so, such as the lightning that strikes down, or critical hits from single-target lightning spells.

I’m just really tired of seeing overly blue glowing lightning, and not feeling like it has an impact. Even if they add a random double strike effect or something would be cool too, and screen flashes (turn off options for the epileptic i guess?).

Diablo 2 had some slightly blueish lightning for the Thunderstorm aura effect, casting effect, and Nova, but it was very subtle, very transparent. It was defintely not a saturated blue, and was only there as a highlight/fringe effect, rather than a noticable glow. Lightning effects were all prominently white. Even the Paladin’s Holy Shock aura was surging with fast animated, pure white lightning and no blue.

I dunno. I’m just really looking forward to a lightning sorc, and to watch it just rip apart and pass through demons. I’m a pretty vain person and I really want that lightning to sear into the back of my skull lol.
Blinding white please. lol


valid concern. I agree the white looked more thematic.

Sorc has blue for frost, red for fire, and white for lighting.
Paly had gold for light, and white for lighting.
Amazon had green poison, and white lighting.

It was more readable in white for the old sprites. We should preserve that.


We should push this so the dev can consider it. Blue for lightning is a big miss. lightning spell should be white. However, diablo 2 resurrected look better than diablo 4 itself atm.


I 100% agree. The blue hue to lightning gave me a D3 vibe and it totally spoiled the moment while I was watching the trailer and gameplay.


What? I dont understand what you are saying.