Darkpatator cleared a 145 (NewSaderSet) with some effort +49seconds left and 5 augs with bad gear

They said they can’t possibly change anything in the patch before the season starts. Lets see how true that was.


Once again, calls for nerf hammer after Para 10K+ clears 145+ blah, blah, blah. The set not OP at all.


The Set is exactly how it should be no NERFs required . OP has no idea and just follows streamers like a sheep


I think about 7-8 because my jewelry and weapons came from the Akkhan days. I am now stripping my offensive gem (BotT) putting in full defense (Unity/JL) so i can take a beating. I could probably solo Gr135 at 100% success like that.

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Right. And the thing is, it is sad - as you say - but it is also rage inducing.

We read things like ‘internal testing’ and think - okay, well - what would we do if we had internal access in order to test the limit case of a set? Surely they don’t play on their personal characters.

Then test.

Yet none of that was done - we are seeing, right now - as I type this - the same guy who made waves with the 140 clear, ahead of the progress bar on a 150 already after a few hours of the patch going live.

That’s what is so sad - that all the seeming care and effort and consideration they put in the barb class to nerf whirlrend ‘just enough’ to make it balanced seems laughable when we see the spike in crusader power.

It gets to a point where I just want to play a game, you know? Frustrating to say the least.

He got bad levels and quit. Needs more fishing to do GR150

After tonight, the title gonna changed to 150. lol…

Man, let’s buff crus by *10 so that all of us can do 150.

I watched a bit. He has ahead of the bar in mediocre maps with no conduit. If he gets a good battlefield or woods with a nice conduit he will clear it. Guardian will be no problem with double stacking.

Nice set btw blizzard. FoH set with only HF used. Good job.


Stop complaining about the set being godly. Are you clowns actually wanting a NERF. God i hope Blizz dont read any of this forum stuff and keep set as it is.


He quit that run, now he is ahead of the timer again and on battlefields with a few mins left.

My point being - a few hours of testing and he’ll be able to clear a 150. His week of testing whirlrend on PTR peaked at 140 and was treated like someone had launched a nuke.

It is absurd.

EDIT: and he just spawned a power pylon…maybe? lol


I haven’t seen a call for a nerf. People are just pointing out nothing makes sense.

Rend was pulled back because “internal tests” indicated it may be too powerful. They then proceeded to break WW’s knees. Yet those same “internal tests” didn’t catch Crusader being 150 capable within hours of being launched live.


So what , dont call out its doing 150 otherwise it will get NERF. When you find something it OP dont go annoucing it everywhere PRE SEASON or it will just get NERF HAMMER


Just did a GR150 in 16:13.766

I guess Barbs need more nerfs seeing that Sader cannot solo 150…



Can;t wait to see what memes come from this clown fiesta. Its like the guy that they have who crunches the numbers, assuming there is one, has a multiplier based on class, and since barb was the first class designed, we are being multiplied by 0.

Hey, at least Crusaders will get to break the game for a season, grats to you


He should have had that Rift. I don’t think he played it well.

150 in 16:13 though.


Whats the link to his Stream would love to see this gameplay

His second floor was a waste.

Google darkpatatord3 twitch

I say nerf Darkpator. Way to OP.

On a serious note, I don’t see why new sets shouldn’t be given the power to GR150 solos. After all D3 is coming to an end with D4 announcement. Let all classes be free of this non sense about not being allowed to hit solo 150s because it’s going to shorten the life of the game.


Clearly what needs to happen is new Monk set needs to be nerfed.

You guys even have GR100?

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