D4 trading - why it needs to be limited or not at all


I never said I wasn’t going to ignore someone commenting, I meant I was going to ignore their argument.

One is not the same as the other.

Geez, kid. Before you try and fail to be snide…
Can you at least be correct first?

huh? my topic has 1/3rd of the views and is only a day old but has (correction) the same amount of likes.

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Appeal to popularity is a logical fallacy.

i’m not the one that brought it up, just confused by the statement haha

I know, i just wanted to make that clear before someone starts making a flawed argument.

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His main topic on trading has 100+ likes.

fair enough, not aware of it since i’ve only been on these forums a couple days while waiting for S19 to start in d3, usually i’m too busy playing the game to even care enough to read these forums <3

No problem. Just goes to show that most people who were die hard fans of the series that left after D3 failed them, came back to show the D4 devs what they’re looking for in a game. Most of them have probably left the forums now though until new stuff about D4 is released.


This is the reason why I came back.


well welcome back both of you. Stay a while… and listen :wink:

No you.


I am tired of the war between diablo 3 fans and diablo 2 fans.

Diablo 1 and 2 were here first, and we want our franchise back and our voices should be heard the most.

I’m not saying that Diablo 3 fans can’t but seriously need to realise who was here first and we want our game back.

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Diablo 1 was the first pc game i ever played, just the demo on my neighbor’s PC before i talked my parents into buying it for me.

Diablo 2 was the first PC game i bought with my own money, and i played it for years, until wow came out.

diablo 3, vanilla, i played the first 3 weeks or so and quit in frustration. (in my opinion largely due to how the free trade AH + piss pore drop rates affected the game, and i think we both can agree on that)

Diablo 3 RoS i’ve sunk nearly 5000 hours in over the years and is probably my most played game of all time.

I like to think i’m also a diablo 1 and 2 fan, but i’m also a diablo 3 fan. hopefully blizzard can figure out a way to please all diablo fans. My worry is they won’t.

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It’s kind of hard to see why you’d enjoy Diablo 3 if you were a fan of the previous 2. Diablo 3 is so dumbed down… It’s ridiculous. I’ve tried playing a season here and there recently, but after a week or two, I get bored. There’s not enough depth to keep me playing and the loot hunt just isn’t fun. Finding an upgraded version of an item you already have is pretty terrible. I guess if you enjoy it, that’s good for you, but most of us D1/D2 fans left D3 long ago.

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Like I said, don’t let one bad experience ruin your perspective on trading.

No diablo 2 fan liked the AH and drop rates.

Trying to make this about D1/2 vs D3 players is a lie.


can’t explain it, i just do. I like seeing waves of monsters die on my screen :wink:

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In which way?

Many top spots are taken by LoD actually if you would care to look.

RMT will be set up externally and just item exchanged ingame. Don’t spread myths it could be prevented.

Season starts tomorrow, then you will be rid off me. :sunglasses:

Maybe the D2 fans should stop shltting on the D3 fans’ favorite game right here in the D3 forum . I’m tired of that too.

You accidentally uninstalled D2?

Yay, multishot! :heart_eyes:

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Glad to see one person actually played the game!

There were indeed items, that were kinda too rare, but I don’t think many of them were considered BiS or meta. Most meta things were easily accessible.


This is probably the first legitimate concern I’ve read in this thread when it comes to trading. I had forgotten about those, because that was drawned by all the nonsense I’ve read so far. Thank you for bringing this up.

Yeah, I guess I would be fine with items being tradable only once.

But build defining unique items (now know as legendary) being bind on pick up is a bad idea. Any and all build defining items should be tradable, so that you get to play the build you want, even if they can be traded only once.


Yes, LoD is finally an option after what 17 seasons? I sat on these forums b*tching about sets being OP for ages. Plus, you still use a set to even farm for your ancient pieces for LoD. I miss the old days when you didn’t need a 300% multiplier on an item or two to make a skill viable and the game didn’t hand you an overpowered set to start the game.

Feels more like an arcade game to me at this point, but you guys enjoy the season. I’m here for D4.

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I already explained why. In multiple posts. Go back and read it. Oh, right you ignore facts all the time that doesn’t fit in your opinion.

Sigh. God, you’re so boring and limited. We want our franchise to go back to the roots of what made it great while making improvements.

Just because something is a new game does not mean you throw everything away of the previous games. Then it wouldn’t be a franchise. Diablo 3 was many steps backwards in the franchise and that’s a fact not an opinion.

Inb4 “But muh subjective opinion!”