[D4] They still don't get itemization

then why even have any other items than legendaries dropping then ?? erase every other items that are not good for your character. i can count your IQ on a single hand.

As far as I am concerned the jury is out on this one. I need to see just how many useful affixes will be on the gear.

If there are ways of building a fast attacking barb that relies on attack speed to do most of the damage. Then the next one is a crit specialist where both can handle the same content at endgame then I will be fine.

LOL, why are you playing an RPG in the first place if you don’t care about loot? If all you care about is killing crap, go play a battle royale or other shooter game and quit trying to ruin the core of what makes an ARPG and ARPG.

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look they pretend they played d2 for a bit, but even with couple days of experience on d2. they could already tell how garbage of a system they got on d3, and this is the best they got? attack / defense / life as core stats with d3 like itemization? I’ll wait and see what they come up with the next couple update before I jump to conclusion. if they keep up with the current crap of an itemization, this simpleton of a game aka d3.5 will get no where. and I dont need to waste time and money on a game I dont even enjoy.

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David Kim said that what they showed in the demos and other materials is basically all they have right now. He also said that they’re a long ways off from release. The reason a lot of skills weren’t made available to use in the demo is because they’re incomplete. I think the intention of the D4 blizzcon was multi-purpose:

  • Make up for Immortal.
  • Probably show something big that people wanted to distract them from other issues.
  • Have a pretty developed demo to showcase to really see how they’re doing for the sequel.
  • Use this to get a very early start on feedback and then using the quarterly updates, continue to feel out how things are going and how players are taking it all. I think more than anything, they want to avoid having another D3 fiasco.

They seem to be trying to be fairly transparent and receptive to feedback for this, unlike other games (namely D3). I hope it goes right. I don’t trust Blizzard and haven’t for years. They burned out every bit of nostalgia I had with cliche and boring stories, retconning everything for all their games whenever it’s convenient for a story they want to push, cartoony and mediocre sequels, ignoring the fanbase, lying and manipulating their customers, and just making a bunch of obnoxious decisions.

Itemization is probably my biggest worry so far as it literally makes or breaks any ARPG. I have several other worries about D4 additionally to itemization though that is why I highly recommend everyone (especially the D4 devs ofc) to watch Noxious D4 feedback video.

I’ve watch a lot of feedback videos these past week but the best one I’ve seen so far is probably his. He covers pretty much all of my biggest concerns and offers solution to them as well.

Exactly. Handcrafted Demo + Gameplay Trailer to show the fans that “we have a lot done, look at us yay!!!”.

Diablo Immortal probably pushed out the reveal this year as opposed to next year due to the backlash.

Blizzard has done many disgusting things these past few months. We the fans shouldn’t forget that or be distracted by Cinematics or Gameplay movies that probably don’t even represent the actual product.

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They literally said “we don’t have a lot done, we’re a ways out from release. Don’t expect it any time soon”.

Barbarians can use ranged weapons. They throw their melee weapons. It’s called a Throwing Barb. There are literally legendary items based entirely around that type of build. Why in the world would they shoot crossbows??

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Why not? If I were Barbarian fighting hordes of hell, I would use any sort of weapon, especially ranged vs enemies you don’t know what capable off doing to you, if you come close to them))