[D4] They still don't get itemization

Yea I do remember that there was some hiring going on back then.

I am still flabbergasted that Blizzard didn’t use Diablo 4 to stop the massive back lash of Diablo Immortal. Another game did the same thing in first revealing a mobile game but then after a pc title of the game. Just a title and that got rid of any negativity from the mobile game.

The community has seen this before with the diablo 3 development.

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I’ve made posts about how we need to develop the game for PC first then port it to consoles aka dumb it down. Don’t give us a dumbed down product first.

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just look the ui is 110% design for console also you have 6 skill lock this is perfect for controller . blizzard dont make game for pc player first , pc player are like some type of 3 rank citizens or customer


It’s 100% for mobile phones and weak consoles. Same reason we’re limited to 4 person parties.

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Yes it would be good to have a Build that is based on Rare items if at all possible no sets or I would like it if sets where the middle rung of the endgame ladder, then you work on unique and even some well rolled rare items to make build shine .
Some type of Solo Self Found even just expanding on SSF into GGF Guild Group Found with trading in Guild when you group with Guild members.

The Jason Schreier article published after the DI debacle reported that sources told him Blizzard had been trying to make D4 ever since the release of RoS. Basically, the projected RoS numbers showed too much fall off in players and the lack of after market revenue stream made them decide to cancel work on a second expansion and to start fresh with D4 with a more dark and Gothic theme. The problem is they’ve been starting and canceling projects for years unable to actually get D4 into major development.

The ‘game’, i.e. the mechanics and systems doesn’t looked developed. It looks like they panicked after last year and decided to just take the art direction they’ve know for 5+ years they were going to do and just rehash D3. Probably under some misguided notion that current D3 is on the right path and it just was band-aided too much and too late to get players back, but if they had developed it fully this way from the start it would have been great.

  1. already too many tiers of items. Why even have rare when there are multiple tiers of legendary items?

  2. why should there be multiple tiers of the same legendary item in the first place?

All this does is create frustration with the loot pool.

  1. stats already feel generic. Skills need to work with different stats so we don’t end up with the classic stat trifecta every build wants. This is key for trading, of everyone wants the same stats then its just pure RNG.

  2. more power needs to be diverted to character stat points from levelling. Getting the best gear is the cherry on top or to make a build work…not to add endless damage multiples like D3

Ive seen Unity and UE games that look very similar. Are thise the same engines?

It could also the smae engine project Hades used, which was the Souls like version.

I remember tons of non useful items dropping for my paladin and Barb while leveling and farming bosses back in the day.

i say it before.
i want to see some sort of mastery points on items.
like you use them you get mastery points specifically on that item.
and when you reach max you get more damage and sht.
so whenever you have to drop that item it will cost you.
because you won’t be able to use the new item fully.
because it is new and you need some practice.
like changing your motorbike after 3 years.
you have to adjust yourself to new breaks and sht.

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Gotta agree on the Ancient items return being not for my taste.

I think if they manage rarity well, normal items would have a place (early game, some uses for late game, like runewords, crafting, enchanting and such), then magic items should have some niche too apart from early-mid game, rares could potentially be BiS in some equipment pieces, and legendary should feel like that, Legendary, so no need to make an ancient version of it. I dislike it so much.

Mythic are ok to me on first impression, only one allowed and very powerful, ok, i hope it’s as rare as a primal on d3 or a bit more.

How to Item.



Sets & Bonuses:


Uniques (Legendaries):


Nowhere on any D2 item will you find uncreative stats like Crit Chance, Crit Damage or CDR. Hell, D2 didn’t even have an INT stat and Lightning Sorc was still one of the best classes to MF with. Oh, and Magic Find actually did something.


They need to use D2 itemization as a template. They are going to ruin all of the great things D4 will have by screwing up the loot hunt again. A repeat of D3.


I bet Blizz isn’t even reading forums and community feedback on itemization/game mechanics i think we are f***** tbh…


Sure. Not every item should be useful for every build. Every class of item should be potentially useful for something.

You are talking about aesthetic here, not the engine/graphics. These are two very different things. Blizzard has its own distinctive style, and that comes from artists who work for them not the engine.

one should think that after blizcon it should be clear blizzard listens.
I think if we can a constructive vibe here for itemization idea’s some might get picked up

Just simple NO. U are wrong… So u want to collect items and not kill monsters? Good items are for loosers… Items mean nothing player who knows how to play will play good with bad items too… In d3 i have seen alot players with low paragon and better knowledge of game mehanics than ones with high para and perfect items… So GTFO or whatever…