D4 - How many people will it take to kill the world bosses?

Thinking about multiboxing D4 and i’m wondering how many accounts i’d need to take down a World Boss to make sure i get all the loot for myself. I’m talking skilled players, and about how long it would take.


Noob question regarding D4, is multiboxing going to work how it does for D3? I haven’t seen any mention of it anywhere, but I also haven’t looked anywhere for the information since I don’t multibox.

As to an attempt at answering your question, I don’t think anyone knows realistically. Anything regarding D4 is fairly speculative at this point.


Well, taking op seriously is a complete waste of time… His trolling level is really low these days.

We know that loot will be instanced like D3. This likely will not change. We also know that World Bosses are essentialy open to anyone that walks there. This likely will not change too. We know that you can only form parties of 4 players. This most definitely won’t change. So with all that in mind it’s fairly safe to assume that such a weird scenario described by OP is completely impossible and also pointless for two reasons: loot being instaced for each character as described before, and the complete impossibility of walking around with a group of more than 4 people.


pretty sure you’re just trolling my thread and wont give a serious answer to my diablo related question, so just go away okay.

For anyone else who is here for Diablo discussion, have you seen any dev talk regarding how many players can be at a boss event at once? Can you queue up an event with a minimum amount of players? Is the world boss loot good? It’s got to be the best if it takes more than 1 group to do, so how many 4 man groups will it take?

I’m assuming about 8-12 players per world boss, which is fine to multibox, generally you need to manage the heals and tank, and then all the dpsers are easy, but if it reaches a point where multiple players have to do tasks simultaneously, it gets tricky but that’s where my human skill takes me above the average skilled player.

Anyone know?

1, troll post is obvious.
2, you’d be limited to how big the party size is(4). The rest of your MB toons would not be guaranteed to be on the same shard/layer ever.
3, loot is instanced so your concern is moot.

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if you can’t understand what im even asking, please stop being toxic and just dont reply. you are clearly lost on game mechanics…

for 1, party size wont matter if i run all the parties
2. i’m literally asking how many players can be around on the boss without getting instanced, meaning how many does it take to kill.
3. loot on d3 is instanced, INSTANCED loot is tradable.

Considering that the developers emphasized that players wouldn’t need to party up and can run nearly any content solo (minus pvp and potentially world events), I doubt the loot would be any better than any other endgame content. If anything, the World Bosses would likely drop more loot than any other single foe. So in short, if you’re after quantity, then World Bosses would likely be the most rewarding in that regard.

Then again, there hadn’t been any substantial update pertaining to them, so there could be some noticable changes to how they are.

taking from that, i would feel like D4 will fail hard because nobody is going to do world bosses if that’s the case, and it will be like D3 ubers all over again, and if they didnt learn anything from that, then the game is doomed.

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I understand. You want to o ow how many accounts you would need to kill a world boss. But you are willfully ignoring how D4 works. The most characters you could have in one area guaranteed is 4 based on party size. There is a chance you could have 20 characters all get placed in the same layer/shard of a world boss, but there is no guarantee.

You also claim you want to do it to get all the loot for your self which is most since loot is personal to each character not shared like in D2.

So please tell me how I’m not unerstanding what your wrote.

World bosses will bring in players, there is nothing triggering it. It doesn’t matter if you controll all the groups, there will be no way to control them all being in the same layer/shard. At most in the world you would see maybe 1 or 2 other characters ever so often.

i dont get it. then what were they bragging about “world bosses” then? Did they just call regular act bosses in diablo 3 “world bosses” to try and sell us something hype?

why are they selling us “an open world” similar to an mmorpg, if it’s just a party of 4 max in one area. That’s literally just diablo 3 party system.


They are not selling D4 as an open world similar to MMOs. They are selling D4 as a shared world with some social interactions.

what the heck is even the point of diablo 4? you’re saying it’s just Diablo 3 with semi-barely updated graphics and maybe a class we havent played in d3. are you serious or trolling, because they made it seem pretty hype.

Depends. If legendary, unique, and runes are normally scarce and hard to find in Diablo 4; but World Bosses are tweaked to have a higher chance of dropping said items. Then World Bosses would be a highly sought activity despite offering nothing exclusive.

They’ve actually said that they didn’t want to go too far into mmo territory when it came to Diablo 4. So based on what they said, you’ll rarely see anybody who’s not in your party, except for when you’re in town, pvping, freeing camps (maybe), and/or fighting world bosses.

So in short, if you’re looking for an mmo experience with Diablo 4, you’ll likely be disappointed for the most part. That is of course assuming that nothing major had changed pertaining to that.

what do they expect the end game to be? pushing gr’s? i dunno if they’ll keep a playerbase with just that.

i thought they’d have big world bosses you have to struggle to defeat with a bunch of other players for cool loot, but if it’s just like killing the d3 butcher then what are they even doing over there?

I know he is trolling and looking for attention, so this will be my only post. :point_down:

“How many people are you going to be sharing this open world with? — and the number can actually be variable by location; meaning we might make a place less or more populated depending on what is going on there. So our guiding principle on this topic is the feeling we are trying to achieve; and we did try to get this in the demo, if you had a chance to play it; but Sanctuary should feel like a oblique and dangerous place. The more you are out in the open world, on occasion you might run into one or two other players; but most of the time you will be alone; and the exception would be something like the world boss event. That is a huge undertaking where you want to allow more players into that space so they can tackle the challenge together; and then there is towns for the opposite reason.” - Angela Del Priore


Trolling again. D4 is lightyears ahead of D3 in regards to graphics, lighting, animations, and whatnot. Your are being disingenuous.

Blizzard did not say any of the things your were claiming.

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From what they’ve told us thus far; Keyed Dungeons to be precise. Although, there’s likely to be more endgame content for players to do. They just haven’t told us about them yet (or at least confirmed whether the current known activities will be viable at endgame). It’s a subject many are curious about.

There’d likely be some struggle, but I don’t think it’ll be on the scale of most mmo raid bosses, at least not from what the gameplay videos shown. Also, considering that World Bosses are pretty much random events that can occur at any time, it’s even more unlikely that they’ll be the primary endgame content for players.

see. that’s where i got the understanding about all of this. is it bait and switch, or are they going to follow through? and how “huge undertaking” is it, and what are the rewards, and the limits?

i hope they make this game worth while, because simply remaking d3 isnt going to cut it. they need new creative ideas and a much better endgame.

No, it’s not a bait and switch, you are misunderstanding what is being said, or more likely, willfully ignoring and twisting what they have said to fit your trolling agenda.


This is 100% it. There just no way someone could rationaly claim that D4 is in any way “simply remaking D3”.