D4 Healer class

i gues forget about this too?

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Did you expect them to cover every class and scenario at launch?

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I wouldn’t expect a pure and/or primary healing class at all for D4. At best there may be a class that has some and/or limited healing abilities, with said abilities being mostly effective towards the player themself rather than allies.


D4 takes place 40 years after D3 what healing faction (in the lore) would still be active?

  1. Paladins?
  2. Crusaders?
  3. Templars?
  4. Monks.
  5. Other?

How about something like a D&D cleric that can fight with armor and shields (no edged weapons) turn undead, expel demons, heal, bless, resurrect the dead (not zombies and skeleton but the entire person), neutralize poison.


monks paladins crusaders priests shaman druid … even barb had heal shout % of total hp per x time

I do believe Blizzard has stated that they don’t have any intentions to introduce support classes/builds. If players come up with working support builds by themselves, Blizzard does allow that but they’ve said they provide no official support for them. They want all classes to be primarily offensive. I’d expect this to continue in D4.


Paladins and Templars are likely no longer around, at least not the ones we’ve seen thus far. Paladins were mostly absorbed within Westmarch Knights and thus focused more on physical threats. Templar Order was destroyed (save for some remnant members who weren’t there) by Kormac and the Nephalem. So if they return, it’ll be a new order that’s using the name imo.

That leaves Monks and Crusaders considering we don’t know of their fates by the time Malthael was defeated. However, due to the Zakarum religion losing even more influence by the time of Diablo 4, the Crusaders may be struggling even more than before, especially when one considers how they recruit new members.

That said, there could be easily be other faction that could do it in terms of lore. However, whether they would qualify as a playable class is another matter altogether.


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I thought in one of the more recent interview they were starting to change that view a little. I could be wrong because I have listened to most of the interviews, and they start to sound the same after a while.

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There you have it. Problem solved.

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I think you are thinking of World of Warcraft, not Diablo


Since we have group content in the form of World Bosses(though details are scant) I imagine some classes will have support like abilities, maybe giving group members a passive life leech but this is all speculation.

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isnt half the game borrowed from World of Warcraft? just literally waiting for a torghast system announcement


Rallying Cry

“Generate: 18 Fury. Cooldown: 20 seconds. Bellow a rallying cry, granting all allies Unstoppable, 23% increased movement speed, and 23% reduced damage taken for 6 seconds. Deals physical damage.” The keyword ‘Unstoppable’ means that all control impairing effects are removed or prevented.

War Cry

“Generate: 11 Fury. Cooldown: 25 seconds. Bellow a mighty war cry. You and nearby allies deal 3.6% increased damage per nearby enemy for 10 seconds, up to 50%.”

Challenging Shout

“Cooldown: 25 seconds. Fortify yourself for 38 seconds and taunt nearby enemies for 8 seconds. During this time, you generate 5 additional Fury when hit.” The ‘fortify’ keyword means that characters will take 30% decreased damage until all of their fortified health is removed.

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I might just build a support barb to wait for WBs to spawn, and run around buffing others. :smile:

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Potions should already cover the survivability part. Any form of support interactions will probably be limited to atk power buffs only, or, potentially, displacement effects like support barb in D3 (albeit its pure speculation because I dont remember every D4 skill yet).

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Okay its not all, these are what we can talk about.

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D3 has those dudes standing around in town with “the Healer” as an epithet. One of them even hides the entrance to the Ubers so you know he’s a naughty old man.

So, I don’t see why one would want to play a class that does nothing. Oh, wait, some of you like zero damage. I forgot.


While class roles are fundamental and essential in an RPG, let’s keep in mind that 1. D4 is not a true group game, but was originally intended to be a solo-only aRPG, and 2. such a game must also be made to work with a support class.

And here it hapert even in WoW for 10 years or almost from the beginning, although it may have worked in Classic WoW just so as a pure healer.

Not even in a so-called MMOPRG you can really play as a healer, or in the sense, simply because the whole MMORPG mechanics and the game world are made for single player in easy turbo mode, not serve that at all.

That’s why today’s so-called MMORPGs are no longer MMORPGs. They have the central mobfight no longer as the center, the hard slow world, the path as a goal and the coop of the classes, to then play together much better and more fun the content in the open zones.
Thus, neither a healer works nor do these sports games need supporters or CC classes, as they have lost their function and quite simply their right to exist and hardly work on their own, unless you turn them into half DDers, which works at most with the healer.
Because this is then in the so-called Endgame, so the actual sports game for this Instanz-Competition still important, where even there is already damage with it, which is all for a MMORPG weak nonsense if you have decided for a healer role… but only shows what these games are in reality…

So what should a healer do in D4? He needs even the support that does damage for him. When a healer starts doing damage, it is no longer a healer and the point of playing this roleplaying class is taken to absurdity. And if he does damage, then he can and must hardly be able to heal, otherwise we will soon have a god-like monster as a class.

I’m all for class roles, but of course the game has to be made for that. Is D4 such a game?
I am against class balancing in any RPG, because it ruins the depth of the classes and brings everything in line for the sport and comparison and that does not belong in an RPG.
D4 may well have Imba skills that kill faster, like classes that play more quietly, all no problem, but even good for an RPG… is no different in D2.
I’m even against balancing to do justice to the competition, precisely because it ruins the fun part of the class content.
But how will it be when a game is designed more and more for endgame, so sports?
I can already see the howling after the is Imba, that must be generft, that gebufft blabla and that will be the downfall of fun.
Whereas it doesn’t mean that bad skills can definitely still get their finishing touches. Not for balance, but to work better for the game and for the class.

That’s like taking another look at the Summoner in D2R and cutting the Creepers, for example, because they’re basically useless later on, or giving the Ravens a few more bonuses, etc.
It’s not about balance, but that this skill branch also works reasonably for this class.

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There should be no group healing, nor group buffs, in D4.
And a pure self healer would not make much sense. Of course, a class focused on very low defense but high recovery could be a thing.

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all yor smart phiolasophical wet fantasys cant deny fact wht nephalim can be destructive and healin power and we all can see those on top of that there always monsters drop those stupid healing orbs wtf is that where it came from who created them how they created remove them from game this is stupid

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