Doesn’t quite look like there is much on the horizon well into 2021 - that may change. It is also a matter of preference.
I agree that the crew has an aptitude for a successful launch and completion of this project.
I won’t disagree that delaying a game to polish it is risky but there are a lot of undetermined variables here. How long of a delay for what type of polishing for example.
I do disagree that a delayed game equates to losing potential player base.
Fans are fans. Blizzard may have taken a lot of damage in the previous half decade or so, but the mark they left has created a fanbase that is devout.
I would rather a very late flawlessly executed D4 than another D3. I’m just saying and that is my personal opinion.
We already know D4 is not another D3. The fans will be back to D4 in an instant. The team has to take their time, but also have a clear mind for the release date and work hard towards it. After a month Cyberpunk will be the new Twitch King and Diablo 4 will have to make sure it comes BEFORE the online version of Cyberpunk. Otherwise whatever itemization you put in the game won’t save you (and this opinion comes from a Diablo fan, not a Cyberpunk one).
There is a huge difference in motif between these two games.
One is medieval the other futuristic.
I have never nor will ever even try the latter. I will always give the former a go…
It literally has nothing to do with anything other than preference. Swords and fireballs as opposed to laser beams and technological capacities.
Fantasy as opposed to futurism.
Past & Future. Night & Day, in a sense. Even though time is not linear as is often perceived. Anyhow, again I say we can agree to disagree. Gameplay > Graphics
D4 is attempting a form of itemization that has not been done before. That is typical groundbreaking pioneering from the champions that still hold the title of sitting on the throne.
I might even like the futuristic theme, but I couldn’t tell you who is behind cyberpunk as I don’t follow it. I do enjoy science fiction in literature & theatricals. Not necessarily when possessing an avatar and going about doing stuff that may one day be possible, as opposed to, something that may have one day been possible. Again that is fantasy versus futurism.
Back to the point. Stability is crucial for release. Polishing has nothing to do with such. Replay value is important, but only insomuch as there is enough longevity to ensure you a window of opportunity to implement feature rich content and what have you. Engaging multiplayer is vital for a multiplayer game, and while 4 player parties is rather restrictive in that sense - at least there is an open world with more than 4 players interacting keeping that alive.
I suppose the balance in question is how much hype is effective until it begins to work contrary to its purpose?
I’d say they have done a great job in this regard. When I first heard about D4 the game had already been in development for several years.
Exactly. As such it wouldn’t matter when Blizzard releases Diablo 4, as the franchise has a sizable fanbase. A release date 1, 2, 3, or 4 years down road will still be met with plenty of players waiting to play it.
Yes, that’s the formula they have to follow and I think they are well aware of it.
Of course it matters. Delaying the game presents the risk your player base to go to other games. Not all players are die hard fans like us here that would play D4 no matter how many years its delayed for (Duke Nukem forever anyone?).
They don’t have to be die hard fans. But the fact that it’s a new game of a main title series nearly guarantees that players (even non-die hard fans) will get it en masse at it’s release date (regardless of when that may be). That is of course, assuming that Blizzard had put noticeable effort into the development of the game. If they don’t then, they’re not going to get or maintain as many players as they may hope.
But how many of these players would stay after they finish the campaign without returning to some other game? If in the time frame T they’ve spent to polish D4 we have X new games, how can you guarantee the polishing would beat all these X games and they won’t steal the potential Diablo player base? Do you know how many quality games release in just a single year? And you need more than an year for polishing…
Cyberpunk Online devs know. And those Riot guys know too. And some other guys making a top game no one here knows atm about. Delaying is just not worth the risk.
While I am not one to speak on behalf for the representation of others…
Is maintaining how many players continue playing the game as opposed to how many play the game until something better comes along what is being considered here?
Ok, I kinda want to emphasize something important here:
The most important in an itemisation/character-building system is to make “Everything work but not really”, i.e. make everything potentially be doable. Not sure if 3 months or 5 or 6 would do it but here’s the thing:
The more experimentations and crazy things tried, the better. Each and every hit effect/de/buff should feel different, even if they end up doing similar/same. Yes, cleave should be stronger on the Barbarian but doesn’t mean other classes shouldn’t be able to equip a cleaver
They should experiment with things like:
Stun increases defense reduction per hit
Longer durations of burn reduce target’s resistances
Longer durations of poison reduce target’s attacks
When bleeding, targets that move lose HP faster
Multiple knockback attacks reduce target’s cast range and projectile reach
Consecutive lightning hits on target have chance to blind it
For example there might be a cleaver that does crazy damage which would (naturally) fit the Barbarian, but if such things exist could also fit any wielder with “fear” or knocback
Things like that. Like, most (if not all) of those things sound like “legendary affix” material but could also be considered as a baseline stat… Basically what I’m saying here is - the more things tried the earlier, the better
Now not sure if that would take 3-5-6 months or whatever, but the sooner the more things are tried (and actually sincerely attempted to work with), the better… That would result in more things working legit at the release phase,. (which would potentially also increase number of potential choices to go for at the end)
If it’s the “classical”, hey look, we think this is super cool and we wanted to add it in the game (without even trying to realize what it does or how it would reflect gameplay :P), would just end up in extra time wasted into artistry/graphic-tuning but (potentially) lack of choices at the end…
Diablo 4 player base after 5 years from now (aka in the long term). That’s considered. Is it more if you release an unpolished game next year or would it be more if you release a polished game 3 years from now?
I’d say polishing doesn’t even take 1 year as you mentioned.
Given your exaggerations, I’d say you really want some validation. So here goes.
Will more people be playing the game in 2026 if they went gold and launched the first day of 2021 as opposed to will more people be playing the game in 2029 if they go gold and release the first day of 2024?
Considering that there will be more endgame activities to do besides the campaign, I’d say a fairly good number of players will stay playing Diablo 4 after beating it’s campaign (especially after considering that the campaign wouldn’t be the be-all and end-all endgame activity in Diablo 4). That said, I’m sure you’ll have players leaving for other games, that’s bound to happen for a number of reasons such as being burned out, hitting a wall, an update at another game, or just feeling that the game is stagnating. It’ll happen eventually, just as you’ll have players leave other games for Diablo 4. However, having the base game leave a good impact, will have players more inclined to return whenever there are updates.
On the other hand, if Diablo 4 rushes it’s launch and as a result there’s only the campaign mode to do with very little customization and character building (something that most people playing Diablo would want), then you can bet a lot of players will leave either after beating the campaign or even before doing so. And there’s no guaranteed that you’ll get those players back just from updating the game, especially if said updates were obviously part of the game before being hastily cut out during development.
So yeah, if it ensures that Diablo 4 will be a bountiful and completed game, then I definitely would rather Diablo 4 take the later than sooner approach, when it comes to it’s launch. As already stated, the game will see a sizable amount of player at it’s launch date, regardless of when that may be. However if the launch date is marred by bugs, issues, lack of activity, etc. all due to releasing the game early; I’m confident that they won’t see that many players for long, nor would that many return even for updates.
You got the idea - they need to choose the best time based on what they have and can release in order to maximize the player base. It’s an easy decision for me - get it done before Cyberpunk Online hits.
You mean no one will return if they release D4 now? After 3 months they release PvP, after another 3 they update itemization, after another 3 they update the skill tree, then more content etc… Players would return for that, don’t be so skeptical and pessimistic about it. Delaying to make a game perfect puts you on the risk to release an outdated product with way heavier market competition. A balance is needed. This balance is late 2021 for me.
Everything you just listed will harm the game far more, than simply releasing the game at a later date where it would be more fleshed out. I mean having major itemization updates which would end up ruining existing gear pieces and severely affecting player’s builds and characters, followed by having a major skill update a few months later that would more and less affect the same thing as the itemization had and thus ruin players builds and characters once again. Yeah players aren’t going to stick around for that.
Look, if you want the game to be out by next year, that’s fine. However, I wouldn’t count on it unless Diablo 4 will be end up as an even simpler game than Diablo 3, and based on Blizzard’s actions thus far, that seems unlikely. Besides, most of their core fan base wouldn’t give the game the time of date if it launches without in-depth itemization, character customization and building, content.
Yes, just as the level updates that would come with new expansions, but that’s hardly a problem for those playing only Seasons and Diablo 4 will hit hard on Seasonal play.
I want it now tbh, but it’s best to come late 2021.
Yeah, not the same thing. When it comes to updates that involve level cap increases, your pre-update gear still has use and can be used to help farm for the new gear, therefore your build still operates.
A major update to the itemization or the skill system on the other hand is different, as some stats on the older pre-changed gear would be rendered obsolete and/or ineffective which would render existing builds, that relied on said stat in order to operate, virtually useless.
Another poor example, as the itemization or skill system doesn’t change during every season play. The itemization and skill system for season 21 is still the same as it was in season 19. I also doubt that Diablo 4 season will be changing the itemization or skill system of the game with every season.
Neither will happen unless the game launches more simplified that Diablo 3, and the developers thus far seem intent to prevent that. Not much else I can say that just wait a few years from now, because I don’t see the game releasing any earlier than that.
Exactly the same thing. You’d still farm the new gear with the old one which won’t be optimal in the end (and that’s what matters most).
Those that play Seasons don’t care about old gear. That’s the idea here. If you don’t have Seasons then changing itemization, raising level cap, bringing power creep is a very bad decision, but that’s not the case in Diablo 4.
Let’s have a bet then - I say Diablo 4 releases Q1 2022 at latest.
Not the same thing, because if your gear is rendered obsolete, then you’re not going to use it to refarm the new gear. You’re either going to have to craft new gear or make a new character.
You do realize that changing the itemization affects the non-seasonal players as well as seasonal players right? Unless you’re saying who cares about them, in which case you just irked off a portion of your playerbase.
Yes, same as with raising the level cap - NS players cry. But better that than delaying the game and losing more player base than those few percents that’d play NS.