D4 classes should have been new and unique

I wouldn’t mind a Rogue that has the option to go archer or dual-wield daggers.

The devs said that they will introduce more classes with expansions .

or u can ad new calsses but do not drop "oldies " like necro druid and so on.

There are some archetypes that just work
You can’t always make “new” just for the sake of new when your ideas are bad.
People want a ranged character and want it to be a bow and crossbow using character, not a gunslinger because this is medieval/gothic and not high fantasy/steam punk/western (just an example)

Actually it may work. D4 is quite some time after D3, maybe Blizz could fit an industrial revolution inside to introduce new weaponry and mechanism.

Hmm so if you add fire damage to him, does it then turn into steam or boiling water xD
fun aside, i think the ideas are great just make them fit more into the timeline, oh yaa and keep them dark and mystic :smiley:

Personely i like the classes as they are… but but but… thats why i would like to see more specialication on each class branching out in 3 or 5 directions.

Like Druid main class… Subclass ( the skills, talents, gear you choose ) should turn them into. Wearwolf (druid) Wearbear (druid) Leader of the Pact (druid) Storm (druid) Earth (druid)
i know it sounds like D2 but it would give a more personel feeling to character creation…
so if you create new classes try to thing of different senarios of that they could become :smiley:

I agree.
It sounds extremely, EXTREMELY boring to me.

I understand that they’re trying to suck up to a small group of fans who cares about such stuff. But it’s simply not exciting at all.

It’s not like there’s no exciting ideas around.
A witch/warlock, with a hat and everything, with a backstory of being a cultist who got disappointed with worshipping demons…
A Cleric - not a warrior of light, but a mage of light, creating miracles and blessings.
A Gladiator, with melee spear and high mobility
An Exorcist?

You can bring non-humans into the mix.
A half-demon. A lesser angel that abandoned the Heavens just like Tyrael did. A dryad from the forest disguised as an adventurer. A servant of Death that remained purpose-less after Malthael got defeated… An actual undead, risen from the grave to avenge himself…

Granted, not all of those ideas are super-strong, but I don’t know. Surely if I can come up with as much in 5 minutes - Blizzard could easily come up with exciting characters.

Instead they went for the boring but seemingly safe choice of just re-using all the most played Diablo 2 classes. There is, in my mind, over 50% chance that the last one will be an amazon or Paladin. And if that happens, I am giving up on Blizzard entirely. I’ll still play their games, but it dies for me as one of the best and frontier game dev companies in the world. It’s a fall from grace and straight into high-quality mediocrity.
This is a mistake.
Yes, there are people who’d be very glad about that on the surface - because of the MESSAGE behind this, not really because of the classes themselves. Blizzard’s message is that “We are going to make a game that you loved in your childhood”.
But Classes are basically the same in name only. Yes, she may be called a sorceress, and have a counple signature spells. But strip away the name and the fetishes - and you end up with a completely different class gameplay-wise.
Why even call it sorceress then? Why not make her anything else?

I personally think that’s a huge mistake. Honestly, I am not interested in playing a game that feels it so DESPERATELY clings to the past and to nostalgia. And that desperation shows, and it speaks volumes of the lack of confidence that you have. Especially considering that of the 40 million of your actual, current fanbase - only a small fraction ever played Diablo 2 and has a chance to experience that nostalgia.

You, Blizzard, have become afraid of yourselves. You are afraid that you can’t live up to your past, and so instead you are constantly chosing to try and fall back into that past, instead of moving forward and pulling the entire industry with yourselves. You have no visionaries left to steer the wheel, and that’s simply sad. Your aim for success has become technical instead of artistic.

You are following patterns and formulas and analytics and past experience, as if there is a RECIPE for a fun game.

Hopefully blizz do not take your advice op , there is a reason people still play diablo 2 all these years later, it works.

Necro , Paladin , Barb , Sorc , Druid And Amazon. is all Diablo 4 needs, if it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it , many failures could have been avoided if devs understood that.

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No^^ simply no xD
I don’t mind a dark knight instead of a paladin, I would love a nature based hunter instead of amazon or DH, but they can’t just give up their genre and age of time, just to force new ridiculous classes.
They can add classes that fit into this world :slight_smile: demon summoner/shape shifter, cleric, fallen angel, what ever. But please don’t start a freak show.

I think the problem lies more on how they play and not who they are.

If D4 implemented an improved skill system (a Last Epoch-ish system, just for example) and allowed us to further customize the Skills (D3, with the Skill Runes, was a nice step towards that), then it would be the best of the worlds.

Familiar Classes with Customizable Skill system.

But yes, I would like some fresh air too, maybe 1 more new class (Druis will probably feel pretty fresh, since it’s been almost 20 years…).
On the other hand though… Barb and Sorc might feel a bit old, a bit “been there, done that”…

The reason is that WHATEVER game you take - there will be people playing it 20 years after.
And Diablo 2 is not a very bad game.

But it is not a good game for 2020. Otherwise it would have been played in a MUCH larger capacity.

People like you constantly talk how others play Diablo 2 - as if that in and of itself is a good argument that D2 should be copied, or that it is better than D3… Or really, in any argument that benefits you.

But this is a fallacy, and deep down you yourself know that it is.
No matter how much you try to pretend that it’s not - other people will not buy into it just because you repeat it often enough.

i dont think theres much room for new archetypes that fit into the lore/theme of diablo. Some of your examples are just different names of the same class.
Example: hunter is the same thing as a Amazon/DH, the only difference is the name.
Only NEW classes that wouldnt be goofy(IMO) that i can think of, are Death Knight and Dragoon.

Old dogs refuse to learn new tricks. Some like the nostalgia of old characters. Some like new and fresh. New and fresh doesn’t seem bad as long as it plays according to diablo_verse/lore. If they just throw in a mechanized infantry or something like that that probably sticks out like a sore thumb then I’m pretty sure there’s going to be lots of backlash.

As someone said, blizzard probably playing it safe. I myself would like an obsidian knight. Already have all these holy archetypes, let’s embrace the demonic side.

My favorite among all of those is “yes”

Body Mage

A wizard who has lost patience with training. He has linked his innate talent for magic with his taste for alterophilism and now he can use arcane energy to summon magic gloves, elemental weights, more muscular arms, bomb clones, and slap his enemies.

The Wizard’s main ability is mirrored projection, he summons arms, legs and heads that mimic his blows and devastate the battlefield.

Its main resource is protein, and its main weapon is a weight of 100 kg.

They’ve got three old characters already announced. So the nostalgia people call be happy. Why not being in new classes for the other 2 yet to be announced.

I hope they don’t add 1 shot mechanics again. What’s the challenge with that?

Sure can do. But they still have to consider the game design part. They don’t have a ranged character at all and also no “knight”.
What ever they do with those archetypes, I really don’t mind as long as it fits into the world.

I think people have to change their mindset a little bit.

The Diablo 3 lore exists but does not exclude the unknown, there are things in the Sanctuary that we don’t know exist, there are untold stories, missing people, there is the other side of the unexplored world, let’s stop clinging to the told stories and making room for untold stories.

Any change, if properly implemented, will be nice to see.

The important thing is not to repeat the mistakes of Diablo 3. (0% character customization, rain of legendary items, no fixed difficulty, NO PVP, NO TRADE, massive endgame, rifts, 0% player choice, KILLED CAIN)