[D4] Bounties are coming back in Diablo 4 đŸ€©

Just make ray tracing optional. I want to be able to use my 2180 Ti to its full potential.

At release, raytracing runs on potato PC’s

Next year is PS5 release with native Raytracing.

So in the next 1-3 years every serious PC gamer will update there PC to raytracing ready.

Bounties ARE the open world.

No one is.


Mythic gear shouldn’t exist.

Better than the “world quest” like hubs.

It depends how it is designed to roll. I speak more about this here:

Blizzard doesn’t make games for serious PC gamers. Blizzard makes games for people who buy prebuilt computers at big box stores.

Interesting analogy, I guess I must be somewhere in the middle.

It’s a WOW term that makes me not like it right out of the chute. Open world ok, World bosses yeah I guess, mythics just no. Let WOW be WOW let Diablo be Diablo.

Getting back on track to the thread, do you think bounties are going to support the cube? Grinding for mats, or do you think they will be something else?

They are interesting if 4 random properties. It’s high variance end-game and I like it. Reminds me of crafting HF amulet in D3 early days.

I think bounties will be their daily missions. And I hate these in all games since they are lame, but juicy and if you are not stacked to the bone with currency you have to do them.

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I’m not fond of them too much myself - Just trying to think of ways they could tie into the game world without being too repetitive.

They need to code an AI for that.

Say, they have AI for bounties, this will do:

  • Offer you 5 missions
  • You choose 1 to do
  • Next day it’ll offer you other 5 closer to your preference of the 1 you’ve chosen the previous day
  • With each day AI will refine your preference
  • AI will make different missions each day

It’s doable, but requires much coding. But if they want to do missions properly this is the way.


Yeah that seems ok, might require a lot of coding but Blizzard is good a such stuff.

I was thinking along the lines of a dungeon crawl (mode).
They wanted the story to be grounded in the world the peoples plight and such.
Maybe random people could ask for help.

The alchemists daughter who was told to collect crypt mold and bat guano
The old Horadric man who wants secret tomes
The adventurer who wants treasure
You know many of the tropes and clichés we all know

But the people meet us at the dungeon and are the torchbearers,
because these dungeons are very very dark, your damage taken is multiplied by being out of the light radius.
A whole new set of monster live in these dark places not found in other well lit places.
You may need to defend the torchbearer, if they drop the torch they spawn back outside of the dungeon, and you have just a few moments to leave or pick up the torch. rewards can be whatever Team 3 sees fit, mats, loot, whatever.

I remember the catacombs in D1 as about the creepiest place in this series, the lack of light, the music, stuff jumping out at you that was hardly visible. Recreating those moment would be epic

Anyway long rant little value I know

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Rare random encounters spread through the world - that is very cool. Such events were one of the most interesting mechanics of Fallout 2, but they weren’t forced on you to do them - you just pass by and witness something (and choose whether to participate or not). That is RPG as good as it can be.

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I wan’t bounties to feel harder to achieve
 I mean longer to achieve

because in D3, you get your bounties
 but then you just Warp to a waypoint, where you are already right near the bounty

that’s not fun for an Open world game

it would be better if I were in a town
 an NPC gives me a bounty to complete

then in order to do that, I have to mount my horse, and actually travel to the bounty to get it done
 then come back to the NPC and hand it in

make bounties help the open world feeling plz blizzard


Bounties as a concept is good, but D3 bounties were bad. If they do bounties they should;

  1. do only one bounty at a time. Having to do five in order to get rewards is a commitment that makes it a chore.

  2. bounties shouldn’t be recycled random events that you run into just playing the game normally like in D3. They should be their own events that you only see in bounties and have several mechanics that can be randomized, so even if you do the same bounty again you don’t know how it will run.

  3. difficulty of bounties should be such that it is not a speed mode, but an actual challenge to overcome. You should be facing enemies that are on another level compared to most that you run into normally and you do so because their rewards are higher as well.

  4. bounties should have a tier rank (D, C, B, A, and S) with rewards, difficulty, and exclusive events that are fit for those bounty ranks.


What about you pick one of the rewards, Loot, Mats or rarely a Dungeon Key?

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I can assure you they are still a tedious chore even doing them efficiently in a group

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Since I don’t know what Blizzard has in mind for bounties I sort of left that open, your suggestion is fine by me.