D2R must change

I don’t know what game your working on but it sounds terrible.

I really hope we get to see all of these great additions added to D2R. They need to be careful, if it’s too good, no one will play D4 lol.

This actually isn’t false….sort of….ppl will still play….people still play D3…….
I imagine if D4 ends up being like D3 more or less…D2r will be played after I experience D4 first…
I’ll come right back to D2r personally…especially if it does have Qol options I’ll enjoy

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This dude again that see people asking for chocolate chips on their Vanilla ice cream cone and tell them no because he’s insecure about his liking of Plain vanilla cone so he refuses to add chocolate chips on it and imposes them his preference


Stupid analogy. You have no idea how to implement look or how it will effect the game.

You will want increase drop chances, class allocated loot. The list goes on.

Sorry man game not for you if you want a million changes and we won’t miss you.

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OP…Oh look, first post, and starting to
get people wound up.

I don’t know why, but I have no interest in playing D4 currently. It looks cool but it’s not D2 or D3. D2 is my all-time favorite game, just wish it got more support during its late years.

Slippery slope logical fallacy and assumptions. You know the old cliché about assume.

You do not speak for others. Personally, I have not asked for increased drop chances or smart loot.

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Spam once again. How are you still around.

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Please tell us uncle MicroRNA :joy:

Like i always says , it depends if it’s optional or not.
If it’s not optional (I.E direct change , increased drop rate etc…)
The better analogy would be a bully forcing someone with a chocolate allergy to eat his vanilla cone with chocolate chip on it.
If it’s optional , at the very least he’ll be able to survive and eat it without the chocolate chip

there’s many changes that can’t be made as a toggle (dififculty change , increase in drop rate , skills change etc…) that would require a second realm or not be implemented at all if not.

Many changes can be made into a toggle , but many others can’t.
Hence why debate are needed.

I’m going to give it a chance just like I did D3.

There is actually some things that I find very interesting about it and some things I’m like facepalm….but I’m def giving it a chance.

Hell I’m gonna play Dimmortal just because it’s Diablo….not saying I’ll keep playing but I’ll def try the whole game out unless it’s really really bad.

D2 is by far my favourite game….ever

Blasphemy! How dare you! :joy:

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Sorry… I do have a phone. :joy:

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i think i’am going to play it , simply for the story at the very least :stuck_out_tongue:

And a kickass computer, I hope? :money_mouth_face:

I rather watch the story on Youtube.

well indeed , that’s an option :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I just bought a decent one.

Lian Li LANCOOL II Mesh RGB Tempered Glass


AMD Ryzen 7 5800X Processor (8X 3.8GHz/32MB L3 Cache)




16GB [8GB x 2] DDR4-3200MHz RGB

Video Card:

GeForce RTX 3080 - 10GB GDDR6X (VR-Ready)

Power Supply:

800 Watt - HIGH POWER 80 PLUS Gold

Processor Cooling:

240mm Addressable RGB Liquid Cooling System

I actually was going to use my Xbox x first…then no chat/lobbies and other things different then pc version made me cancel that

Yes, but can it run Windows 11? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I obey the forum rules and have never been suspended in my 5+ years of posting on the Blizzard forum. For that matter, I have never been suspended from any forum ever. It is not hard at all to follow forum CoC if you treat others with civility.

I do.

  1. Let the game determine the drop/no drop chance and item identity like normal. Instead of just dropping the item(s) on the ground, an RNG roll assigns the drop to a player in proximity to the monster kill.


  1. Use the PoE method where 3 loot systems peacefully co-exist.
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