D2R must change

I have never seen someone read so deeply into a closed ended statement in my life. This is the equivalent of complaining at McDonalds because you realized a large fry doesn’t contain larger fries, its just more fries in a larger container.

Sometimes how you interpret what you read, isn’t the reality of the sentence.


Blizzard has been clear that additional changes may be introduced based on player feedback. Even if optional personal loot never happens, Blizzard has left the door open for other changes. Diablo 2 was officially announced on February 19, 2021 at Blizzcon online.

Here are undeniable facts and statements that prove that Blizzard is considering balance changes if the players want them.

On March 7, this Blizzard interview was released and directly quote from
How Diablo 2: Resurrected is calling on the spirit of the original ARPG | PCGamesN

**Players have cheesy strategies and classes they’ve come to love over the years. Are you keeping those intact, or will the game receive a balance pass to give the lesser loved classes their time in the sun?**

**Chris Lena:** Yeah, we made a decision not to do balance changes right now, for the very reason that we want to make sure we deliver the authentic experience. Who knows what might happen in the future with feedback. I know our designers have a list of things they would love to do. So we’ll see how that goes going forward.

**How will Diablo 2: Resurrected be maintained once it releases? Will there be balance patches or updates to keep it fresh?**

**CL:** I think that conversation starts with the technical alpha and goes through to launch. It’s really about what players are looking for and what they want. We love this game – we’re remastering it 20 years later – so we would love to continue giving players what they want.

**CA:** Yeah, I think our focus is really to listen to the community and see what they say online, and then see where it goes from there.

Another Blizzard interview is directly quoted from:
Diablo 2: Resurrected’s single-player alpha starts this Friday | PCGamesN
Lena told us that the door is open for things like balance changes to help keep the game vibrant for a modern community – if, indeed, players indicate that they actually want that to happen.

We also know that Blizzard asked about introducing balance changes in all three of their D2R surveys. Of note, the second survey indicated that balance changes may be introduced after launch, suggesting that the duration of the multiplayer beta and release date is not terriibly relevant to whether balance changes are introduced post launch.

I think that this is incorrect. Please provide links to at least 48 times that Blizzard said no balance changes would occur and that the only changes would be completely restricted to graphics and QoL updates. I provided proof that Blizzard stated more than once that balance changes are under consideration. To my knowledge, Blizzard has never stated that they abandoned their prior comments about balance changes being possible if the players want them.

Even one quote where Blizzard explicitly said that there will never be balance changes in D2R would be nice to support your claim. To my knowledge, none exist.


just my 50 cents. why did you pre order ? this is not a game for you if you dont like it as it is.

as much as i dont like you after what u said in the other posts, most of these ideas are not bad

" stackable runs and gems" isnt bad if they only stack in the stash, there is on "downside to this. its simpoletly QOL… they would go on a mule anyways.

charm inventory if implemented correctly as to not affect balance ( aka the way pod does it) would be a great addition to not affect balance
( if you are unfamiliar with how this work… nothing is change about the original 4x10 space… you simply add more inventory space but raise the lvl req of charms in it by 100 thereby preventing their use) if u still want to use the entire inventory with no charms u can still put items anywhere but “charms”: will only work in the original 4x10 space… this is greatly beneficial to both QOL and for balancing weaker builds who unlike the building everyone people play are reliant of charms to actually clear and wouldn’t be fun to play as because in order to play they need charms because their skills aren’t balanced, but by doing so they cant enjoy the game how its mean to be played and pick up items.

overall charm inventory of added properly really would be a massive improvement

this is calling holding down alt, although this does seem to be broken in d2:R and needs to be fixed

this would be a nice QOL,

not sure what “TC notation” means… but as a person who runs one of the most popular softcore a loot filter in POD, the amount of stuff on the screen when playing d2:R beta was actively painful to see by comparison… this is a MUST

again not “needed” but would be a nice addition

and now you get down to the part where I’m going to have to shoot you down…

touching skills is a big no-no.
while i wouldn’t mind seeing some slight improvements to MA sin and some nerfs to holy shield… overall… its WAY safer to touch absolutely nothing… even if there are balanced changes i don’t want them on release… but they need to be VERY cautious…
i wouldn’t be opposed to having your merc having at least some sense of self preservation though… i mean blizzard did make starcraft you can give us SOME options other than " attack"

hard NO on new difficulty levels, i wouldn’t be opposed to a new level if all it did was buff every areas to level 85, but beyond that? no

adding more difficulty will just limit build variety even more… and will remove the “play your way” which is the core aspect of d2, no new bosses, and i do’nt trust blizzard to make new items.

NO on guild or clan features, but having a pvp area wouldn’t bad a bad idea if we got a test server to try it on first

no more “endgame content”

again arbitrarily raising the difficulty or going infinite scaling just forces you to played the OP stuff limiting variety, this is why POE failed. this is how D3 failed.

what i WOULD want to see would be a way to let us “lock character level”

so we can take out or twinked out lvl 9 dueling or lvl 30s and see how far into hell we can get… this would give a immensely fun way to be creative and limit ourselves in the way WE choose and arbitrarily inflate difficulty based on what someone else thinks.

they also have been clear that it is going to be a faithful remaster so your wish list has limitations, one of those limitations we just recently saw regarding Ploot.

as the other guy said, dont hallucinate too much while reading between sentences.


Do you now agree though with the image and twiiter thread that they were two distinct convversations? One about loot system and second tweet about the top 7 changes in the reddit poll.


you were obviously wrong in pointing out that i was referring to a wrong twitter thread as my twitter links showed.

I explicitly said I was talking about two disinct twitter threads. I am sorry that you misunderstood.

I even provided you a link/image to the second twitter thread about the top 7 from the reddit poll with Rod’s comments. Please quote what I actually wrote and not your interpretation.

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I still think the best solution is two separate servers just like there are PVP and PVE servers in a lot of other games, and it’s worked wonderfully. If there was a modernized server for Diablo 2 it would clearly be extremely popular. And of course there should be a server locked into 1.14d, where “purists” think the game “finished” it’s development.

But yes, there’s no reason blizzard should stop developing the game. Just because they took a 10-year hiatus does not mean anything. They should by all means pick it up where they left off.

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m8 im not sure what you are rambling on about your distinct twitter thread.

i said they denied Ploot is happening and said it was ok to hear peoples opinions anyways.

you said i was pointing at a false twitter thread:

that obviously wasnt true as shown by the twitter links i posted that represent exactly what i said in the first place:

I have no clue what you are rambling on about your distinct twitter threads, sorry.

But it wouldn’t though, people in their millions are buying D2R BECAUSE it has that old school gameplay that so many boring games today do not have, this is why we see so many successful remasters, now get with the program and stop demanding all the time, it’s old.


Holy moly. This thread talks about multiple changes. The OP lists them. Some of these changes are on the list of the top 7 from the reddit poll. Rod commented on twitter that the reddit poll had some good ideas. The top 7 in the reddit poll does not include ploot at all.

This is my first post in the thread. Do I mention ploot at all? Nope. Because I was not talking about it. Did I explicitly mention the reddit poll and Rod’s twitter response. Yes. Here is Rod’s tweet.

Rod Fergusson on Twitter: “@foxhanman Awesome feedback! Focused on getting to launch right now but some good ideas here.” / Twitter


and again your are waving arround with other links that i took no reference to.

your claim i was basing my statements on a mixed up twitter thread was wrong. thats it, nothing else to it.

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just forget it. he likes to argue and discuss and just doesn’t stop talking.
And he still doesn’t get angry. Makes him kind of sympathetic. :stuck_out_tongue:
He is either a teacher or a lawyer :slight_smile:

I kinda wanna copy/paste this in 30+ threads on these forums lol


Yes yes yes yes and yes, it sums it up perfectly doesn’t it.

it kinda does , i mean it is supposed to be a remaster/resurrected or whatever the term is.

Would you play to a remaster of a game you loved if they removed/changed everything you loved of it ?

Changing one or two minor thing is ok , but making a whole overhaul and changing completetly the game is something else.


Then you’d be a troll considering blizzard asked what differences players would like even though you guys hang on to key words like “remaster” ext

“Hi we’d like your opinion on what could make the game even better possibly, also we’re adding this, this and this.”

People offer suggestions and desires…


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Oh yeah I can’t wait for Torment 16 in Diablo 2. Dude stop


Halp, New ladder and I can’t find Haedrig’s Gift. And I’ve only been playing for 15mins and can’t get into grift L.250 yet and all of these 300 sets/uniques that have dropped aren’t any good…send more loot.

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