D2jsp won't dissapear

Hi everyones, as an old d2 player and a big fan of this game! I played for the last 20 years and feel revived to know there will be a remaster. Remember those hours to farm stuff and how fun it was to drop something worthy. Then you had to create a game: selling hoz for um _example) while you were doing your mf runs. That was the old school way of trading which I loved so much. The point is that you keep dropping awsome stuff that you need to sell but you just can’t find someone right now… SO… you end up having a full account of mules and have to get a new account to stash goods.

The point with d2jsp is that this is like a live auction house. People can make a topic ex: iso shaco @ 2fgs or selling shaco @ 2fgs and this is normally quick. What is fun with this system is that you can post a list of what you need or what you want to sell and while you are playing some ppl are briging stuff you need with prices. This is not an auction house and d2 will never need one. The most convenant part is that you can now sell whatever you want for a currency and this currency won’t dissapear when the ladder will reset. Why do you think this game survived for so long?? Now imagine how many years d2 players spent to get this currency. This is why d2jsp will never dissapear, ppl won’t start from scratch again… This is sad but it’s true.

So now the question is what should blizzard do? A diablo without hack, without bot and without the actual d2jsp is an impossible dream but I think that’s what most of ppl would like. The problem with d2jsp is that you can actually buy that currency with real money. Blizzard won’t be able to stop them but d2 and d2r will be 2 separated game. I wish blizzard make a similar kind of trade system with a forum you can join from the game directly and a new ‘‘blizzard currency’’ or call it w/e you like so ppl can keep getting richer. I think trading that shaco for 2 bc (blizzard currency) would feel great! Now I am rolling a hoto how many bc will this worth… And just to let know ppl, perfected item and end games perfected items worth à lot. Maybe a lot more than a casual player will ever be able to get in a season… So yes the currency system and the idea to never loose what you worked for is what kept this game alive for 20 years. So if you want to thanks someone you should thanks d2jsp… But still, I would really like this site to be used for d2 and a new blizzard forum currency system used for d2r. The difference should be that BLIZZARD MUST NEVER SELL CURRENCY FOR REAL MONEY and to be able to use that currency in-game. The funniest part with this system is a bad trader or someone who tried something odd can be reported as a bad trader and etc… Think about it! Think about the essence of the game itself, that what we always needed, just do it!

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There is no direct way to stop D2jsp. You can do it on a case by case basis and try to ban people who use it, but that seems like too much effort.

I really hate the idea of buying ladder items with money or a prior ladder’s currency though, but the majority of solutions are simply not worth implementing.

I want NO changes in D2, but to stop this concept in general you could introduce a “trade depreciation” in a game. Essentially stats roll down slightly every time an item is traded. Basically that would make it so only found gear can be perfect… Trade depreciation can be a one time thing even because its dumb to have stats roll down to minimum. This would make it so you can still trade to acquire an item, but I think it would kill a lot of 3rd party stuff because I think people really only purchase the BEST possible rolls for stuff

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D2JSP would disappear if something better came along. The fact it still has grip over the economy is a testament to how bad trading is in d2.

The problem is what is that something better? If it was in game half the players would hate it. If it’s out of game it will be monetized.


All depends on how well they setup the new battle.net interface, trade channels, better ways to offer, linkable items. D2JSP is convenient because of what it offers, if they make trading even a little less painful people will trade more in game. D2JSP could never be removed unless you went after them or made everything bound.

The fact is having a forum to trade and a currency that won’t fade is just way too nice… Once you tried you can’t go back. The fact is this is not just a trading place, this is a community, this is d2 community and most of it… I am pretty sure if a blizzard supported similar system was in place most of d2jsp user would probably prefer to use the legit platform securised by blizzard (exept those rich crakpot I guess). It could even help blizzard to keep an eye on suspicious ppl gathering way too much stuff and never sleeping humhum…

Well and D2JSP get’s dirty when they sell FG for money and you need to use that FG to buy items, thats the dirty third party part. You need to make trading convenient but not so convenient you got flippers able to move things around with 3 clicks.

D2 jsp is in my opinion what kept d2 alive so long its not just good for trades/buying gear but a community for pvp tourneys for pvp etc it gives you something else to do when your board of slaying demons for mf lol go there sell buy trade pvp etc…

Making runes and PGs stackable would already be a huge improvement and stop a lot of people to search for alternative ways to trade in the first place.

The problem has always been, that D2 lacked a convenient currency and stackable runes and PGs would be exactly that.

Suddenly you could pay items with PGs that you previously couldn’t - simply because only 40 of them would fit in the trade window.
Also dragging all the individual 40 PGs in there is a pain in the butt.


Can’t Blizzard demand D2jsp to remove and police against all activity concerning D2R or sue them if they dont?

Blizzard&Activision did go after a site that was selling CoD cheats. Using D2jsp is against ToS after all.

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I wish I could post a Happy Gilmore meme here… my god

There is a difference between violating the ToS and violating the law:

Blizzard can ban you for violating the ToS, but they can’t sue you for doing so.
Offering cheats that interfere with Blizzard’s servers or are based on Blizzards software are - under certain circumstances - a violation of law.

But since d2jsp isn’t offering any 3rd party software and doesn’t allow any links or technical support for 3rd party software on their forums there is hardly anything Blizzard can do about it.

This is probably the reason why d2jsp (which started off as a bot forum) isn’t offering any 3rd party software anymore. They either got sued for it and had to stop, or they preemptively stopped doing so to avoid getting sued.

Knowing that w/e happened in the past blizzard probably don’t want d2jsp to cease because this is the only reason why d2 is still alive today… Let’s face the facts blizzard is not going to do anything for d2jsp and it’s actually a wise choice.

Now the question is not about d2jsp anymore it’s all between blizzard’s hands. What will you do with with d2r? Nothing need to change for the old d2 let players have fun their way… But please do something for d2r! You have the power to make this game great again, and I ask you to think seriously about it. It’s nothing hard for blizzard to do a similar system gathering ppl arround the same place using a kind of curracy or w/e legally and safely. If they don’t do it where do you think ppl will gather again? Or maybe they want d2jsp to keep going on because it’s easier for botters to post theirs items shop with no worries? tss. Sériously blizz I know you do like money but this time I expect a lot from you. I fabulated for 15 years about a diablo 3 that was the biggest deception of my gamer’s life. Tbh I love the diablo story and will play diablo 4 just for it but I am that dissapointed that I expect nothing from d4. But when I heard about a d2 remasterised I was like OMG! And the funniest part is to have the best game ever all you have to do is keep the old d2 gameplay and everything with high quality graphics like already anounced and add a system like d2jsp in the d2r game. For me it sound like the perfect diablo 2 resurected! with stacked runes and gems to make our life easier.

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If you make trading easier, which they plan with the trade channels, linking loot, and such, it should put more trading into the game itself, d2jsp will still exist unless taken down somehow, but mainly that’s where some buy botted items. Bots should have a harder time navigating in D2R with less access to information, but it’s not hard to get a bot to recognize places. We have all seen fresh bots arrive with no real pathfinding but eventually find the target. If you can seriously hamper bots in most unfixed areas, and remove duping the economy will be a lot better off. Trading was always these runes for these runes, or runes for enigma, or runes for sockets, or sojs for runes.

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D2jsp is a ‘problem’ but its 1) one of the few reasons why this game continues on 2) not even as close to problematic as bots/dupes. You will almost always be able to buy items for real money.

If no bots/item imports/dupes/item imports then you will see forum golds’s value drop drastically. This has already happened once in the last 3 years and will likely be the case when remaster first drops.

Focus on keeping the game bot and dupe free.

A majority of players won’t use JSP, so I don’t think it’s a huge issue.

Since D2JSP is mostly a trading ground, all Blizzard needs to do is implement a trading post to make trading items easier. D2JSP would probably stay active for the original game, but D2:R players probably wouldn’t use them.

The big problem with D2JSP is not the ability to trade, that part is great… The problem is that anyone that has a lot of fools gold can buy their way to the top on the next ladder.

Rough idea on a trading post:

  • The seller post item(s) with a brief message (iso X items). The post lasts 7 days.
  • Anyone can offer item(s) to the seller.
  • All items from the seller and any offers are put in a ‘hold’.
  • Seller pays a gold fee to avoid people posting dumb offers like cracked sashes and to give gold a bit more value.
  • The seller and potential offers can cancel at any time and get their items back, but the sellers gold is not returned.
  • The seller can accept any one offer and at any time, they don’t have to wait the full 7 days. Once the trade is completed, the items are swapped. Any other offers are returned.
  • Perhaps a limit on the maximum amount of active posts to deter “day traders”?
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While I’d love to see something like this happening (maybe even as a forum feature, which allows you to trade without even starting the game), we all know that it is not going to happen for D2:R :woman_shrugging:

We might see it happening for D4 though.
If they are going to bring trading back in D4, then they should be kind of interested in keeping it “clean” and easy.

The way I see things there should be redirect link via esc menu to a forum like d2jsp to post items. A single trade forum would change everything. In addition if you make realm trading chanel ppl will be able to link items in game and won’t have to go to the forum to trade if they don’t want to. It should always be possible to make a game: bring me cta!

In fact I think that we should be able to chose how we want to sell or buy or goods. Some ppl prefer make a game go for it. Some more prefer the trading chat zone? go for it. But honestly I am the kind of person who would go on the forum to buy and sell my items. And during this time I can still make a game 2 pul for um while mfing.

I would love to see it, just would be a big change and thus a lot of debate over what is “better”.

Example, an “auction house” wouldn’t feel right in D2 because the economy is largely item for item, not something like gold.

If it is to remain item for item how would an in game system manage that?

It’s pretty complicated when you think it out.