It looks like this new compendium is really starting to come together! Thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion and upvoted this thread to help it get pinned. I will post an update once I’ve earned TL3 and can start a Wiki. If anyone reading this already has TL3 and would like to add this information to their Wiki, that would be awesome too.
Discussion replies:
@Schyzo: Thank you for your kind words!
@Zeeloyd: There is one build specifically designed to survive through disconnects on Hardcore: Guardian of the Trove, by DarkOmicron. I will look for more Hardcore specific guides to add. That is a fantastic idea.
@Boubou: Thanks for the heads up. I have already exchanged posts with Nevalistis here. After reviewing my account, she was able to raise my status to TL2, but I will have to earn TL3 on my own.
@Boubou: Thanks for the updated link. I will check it out ASAP. As for my replies, my plan is to cut and paste them all into one big post once I’ve finished copying everything over. That way, people will still be able to see them, but they won’t take up space within the body of the compendium.
@Zeeloyd: You’re welcome! Thank you again for the replies; they’re making this process go a lot more smoothly. If you have the time, please upvote and reply to the Necro compendium, so I can get the ball rolling on that as well.