Cow portal auto close

Please help to set after everyone tele to town then will auto close the cow portal, so can re-open again without need to leave game. Just like rift portal.


Good idea. And so Uber portals.

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Yeah I think the cow portal should close after a 30 sec counter after the 4th/last chest from the tipping point event is opened.

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I think the close feature should be activated from inside town like the rifts.

Make something we can interact with when we are “ready” to close it that way solo players who want to spend their time running around gathering left over items can without the fear of an auto close just because they clicked the wrong box or killed the wrong thing in the zone.

Something I would really like to see is a new portal opens (zone resets) when you put a new Bovine Bardiche in the cube and activate. Basically just allowing it to overwrite the current zone. This would solve both issues.


There are some groups of players that clear Not the Cow Level of all enemies but save the XP pools for after clearing a Greater Rift. Those players would probably prefer that the portal does not auto-close.


There is no cow level…

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Could just make it so that it closes after finishing the mini event in there that rewards the 4 chests

That way people could clear it in advance to find the exp pools and save them for the GR trick, but people could also have the place auto-close after completely finishing it

Some of us enjoy doing the mini event and leaving it open to complete other things. That was the whole point to the suggestion to simply make the cubing of the next Bardiche reset the instance. Thus solving the issue of having to remake the game.

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How can they close an area that does not exist?
Perhaps you could use same magic that opened it? Ow wait, you can’t open something that does not exist…

Mooo moohoomooo moo

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I think Aesthier nailed it. Just cube the next bardiche and a new level will be created. Though it wouldn’t stop a troll from doing that while others are in the level. Unless only the person that created the level can start a new one.

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There are things that are both open and closed at the same time. For example, the set of real numbers is open because every point in it has a neighborhood of points that are also real numbers. It is also closed since the set also contains all of its limit points (every sequence of real numbers that converges to something, will converge to a real number).

That said, the cow level doesn’t exist. I agree that you cant open or close something that doesn’t exist.


By opening another area that doesn’t exist over the top of it, obviously! :wink:


But the uber portals do exist and there’s no reason to leave them open - kill ubers, take mats/drop, exit. They should close just like the Vault does at the very least (but maybe 30 secs max).

Then again, who the heck runs Ubers now? Is the HFA even BiS for much anymore??? (though I did just run some this week for shizzzngiggles)

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Once a season, for the Journey task to create an amulet.

LOL … I’d respectfully disagree and say that’s “working on a Journey” vs the old days when you’d run 4, leave, run 4, leave, and so on until you ran out of machines…hell I got a couple really nice primal HFAs that are basically useless now…

but yeah, kinda my point :slight_smile:

This is Diablo.

Why in the world is there such a thing in Diablo…

Give COW to Nintendo critters… omg…

Well, prior to them re-working the Flavour of Time my WW Barb used a nicely rolled Hellfire Amulet. He also had a primal Skull Grasp. They’re both sat in my Stash as relics of times past.