Come on D2 Remastered

From you’re statement I know you never played Diablo II much.
I played almost every ladder season till about three years ago.

I’d welcome a D2 remaster. Last time I played I couldn’t even use widescreen and the mods I found didn’t help much with the UI.

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Wish i had more popcorn. Dont know why you cant accept that no matter what you post it is going to change the companies desicion.

So… why are you still going on about it? They’re in the process of remastering games, its something they’ve shown interest in doing. Whether you like it or not, there’s more hope for than not. Although I wish I had some popcorn to watch the vein in your head explode at people expressing interest in a game they loved. Enjoy your garbage.

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If over 7 years isn’t much than yeah not that much… :roll_eyes:

I used to know that game inside out…

Even made my own inventories, stashes, stats ui changes, new gems etc.

So yeah not so much indeed…

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My old save still works. Was an emotional & surreal moment, I tell ya.

I have lost more saves than I have saved… LOL

I used to have a custom shortcut program to make backups of the character files every time before I played, so that I could revert the characters to an earlier state. Was great for using multiple characters to duplicate items. Want more top level skulls? Drop the ones you were using from that character in a multiplayer LAN game, leave game, reset the character back to before they were dropped and poof. More gems if you want them.

So many tricks back then.

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Haha, I too backed up my main saves religiously. What truely saved mine, was my disc got scratched, (still have it, v1.00 - yes, version 1.00 - 1995, I’ll dig it out and put up a pic if interested), so I backed up the install folder and all saves to some discs - and one of them still works. Its now backed up safely in the nostalgia folder :stuck_out_tongue: when the GOG release came out, my first thought was if the save would work… and screw me sideways with a pitchfork, it did.

Happy days.

if blizzard has retail wow, than why spend resources on wow classic? LOL

Forget about d2, Lets move on to d4 and hope they have aspects of D2. I think they know what we want after immortal .

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. They should have known what we wanted before Immortal.

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Partly because there was demand for it.

Partly as a business opportunity where there were illegal servers running WoW vanilla.

To give latecomers to WoW a chance to play the original which hasn’t been available in WoW for years due to the expansions changing the environment and moving the game forward.

To scratch the nostalgia itch for veteran players who lament Blizzard’s glory days.

If they didn’t think it was worth the time, money and effort to make WoW Classic, they wouldn’t have bothered.

Because they had the source code for class wow. Blizzard does not own the code for D2, that was Blizzard North. And per David Brevik, it would be near impossible to remaster given the code differences.

Their subs went up by over 200% in the first full month that classic was out. You’d think that tripling their income by giving customers what they want would make them realise that’s a sound business tactic.

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Exactly. D2 may be more nostalgic for some people, and they say they wont play it for that reason. Yet if they did remake D2 they would be one of the first ones logged back in. Release D2, bring back a huge population of blizzard fans in waves just like classic wow did.


Has Blizz even mention doing this at all. Yes it would be awesome but only person I have heard talk about doing it was Brevik in that it would be tough to do and costly. I wouldn’t hold your breath for that at this blizzcon.

They stated it was a future project while they were working on remastering SC1. They had 3 grand titles in mind that they wanted to make accessible in modern standards, StarCraft was the easier one. After that they turned to WarCraft 3 and the last mention was Diablo 2.

Which supports the fact that it is the next project after WC3R has released by the end of the year.

I’m for D2 remaster as well!

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Modders already came up how to make auto gold pick up in D2 LoD just like it works in D3 and infinte arrows, bolts and you’re telling me that Blizzard can’t remaster it, cause they don’t know the code? :roll_eyes:

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me too;
widescreen, better resolution and i would already play it.


I’ve played d2 almost everyday for 18 years and I can’t have a remaster because of you memories? Selfish and dumb.