Code erreur 319045

bjr je fais partie du clan des fog. (friendly old gamers) depuis 10 jours les membres du clan ne peuvent avoir de contact entre eux. pouvez vous me dire ce qui se passe le probleme est toujours la malgre la derniere maintenance


Ce problème fut rapporté le 8 août et est sous enquête depuis.

Il n’y a pas d’information supplémentaire de disponible. Désolé.

Voici quelques liens qui pourraient t’intéresser:

Ce forum, ainsi que les autres forums Amériques, fonctionnent en anglais; il serait préférable d’utiliser cette langue si tu veux écrire ici.

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Issues with EU clan functionality is being investigated here…

Blizzard have requested that people having issues with their clan provide details of their clan in that thread so that the issues can be individually investigated.

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Translation from OP:

bjr i am part of the fog clan. (friendly old gamers) for 10 days the members of the clan can not have contact with each other. can you tell me what is going on the problem is still the last maintenance

@Shivan : Close… the last part should have been « the problem still there despite the last maintenance ».

OP probably realized his error and posted a slightly different version of his post on the French language forums… where I also provided a response.

There is much that could be said about how this issue (both the technical issue and the communications surrounding it) is being handled but… it would only be a waste of time and effort.

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