Cluster or Multi for Marauder?

They seem about equal to me.
My clear times are usually within seconds of each other.
Multi has better coverage and a bit more damage.
Cluster has better range and targeting and allows Dawn in cube for Vengeance uptime.

Basically yes. Multishot is better for trash, but otherwise they are fairly even overall.

Preference, really. I like the multishot method as it makes it easier to gear separate builds when I get bored with one or both.

I prefer CA due to it’s long range and I think it is actually the highest damage on paper.

Depending on your play style, MS can be very strong or even better. You tend to need to be more careful with sentry placement though and I hate that.

If you want to try something really fun and almost as good, you can run Marauders with Impale.

Multishot is better for trash clears, CA is better for elites and push. But they are both near enough to each other to be viable either way.

It’s not nearly as powerful, but I had a blast playing around with M6 Elemental Arrow.


Is CA with maelstrom rune relevant any more?

Speeds and some really niche glass cannon push.