Changes to Dialog Interface for future of Diablo

Ever since I first started playing Diablo 3, I have been annoyed with the huge and centered popup notifications for the following:
Quest completion
Boss encounters
Follower dismissal
Rift and Greater rift completion
Greater rift invites

These boxes are huge and simply unneccessary. There is no way to minimize or block these from taking up vital parts of my screen (i.e. Kanai’s between GRs). There is also no easy to way cancel these - I understand there is a key binding, but I use Space bar for force stand still, and have not found other keys helpful in doing this. The best option is escape, which is a terrible option since it controls the menu and pause functions of the game (single player only, multiplayer it just pulls up the screen and flustering ensues).

What I like about Diablo 3 in this department is the social panel and the game invite notification. These are both pop-out and on the side - especially the invite panel, which is bottom right and quite small. I would like to see options to change this in D3 if its not too late, and for D4 please keep this suggestion in mind in terms of interactive pop-up dialogue windows

Just a workaround suggestion… as I also use the space bar for “force stop”.

I have bound the tilde key to close all open windows.
(left of the 1 key-looks like ` )

Works a charm.

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