Changes needed prior to S20 going live

To start with I need to thank you classic team peeps for your hard work and commitment I commend you for this. Moving on to the fundamental information that you need to hear: the wizard new set and associated power buff items are now way too weak. The new set did not do enough damage in the first place and now you even reduced the damage of the hat and wand you NEED to undo this and make them give a higher percentile then before e.g, 700-1000% damage buff to hydra from each item giving a potential +2000% to hydra. Do the theory craft and look at the numbers it would then be on par with the cumulative buff of the WD and barbarian damage multipliers. The WD needs more defence as does the barbarian also the wizard set is squishy still ergo I will NOT be using it ever until you change the defence mechanics of that set it sucks also how about you increase the number of hydra heads from double to triple.

Quality of life: weapons damage cap sucks period! Any item that drops at grift 110 should be of higher quality ergo more vitality more base damage all of the stats should be higher than that of the same item dropping at grift 100, or 50 etc. Currently this is not the case and it reduces the sense of reward as a result of this! We need to be able to equip more rings I personally wear 21 rings sometimes so I think been able to equip wings on each side is NOT asking for much! Also we need to be able to equip more gems and the weapons need up to 6 yes that is correct SIX sockets. You NEED to take this on board and implement these changes asap even if it is not for S20 you can do some things immediately!

Thanks again.

Peace & Love!

this post right here must be sarcasm, otherwise this is the reason player feedback is not often taken seriously by the devs…


You must be a troll because every time you see a post with quality information you say something mean and offensive!

Peace & Love!

No… You’re either being sarcastic or you’re trolling or you’re 12.

Your entire QoL section is laughable. Anyone who’s played this game for more than 1 month knows how much everything you suggested would make this game completely not worth playing ever again.

If you’re wearing 21 rings IRL? You need to visit a psychiatrist.

That’s ridiculous…


And I thought your previous thread was funny.

21 rings? Seriously?..

Cool, now I know what I’m dealing with. Don’t worry, you won’t hear from me again.

New to forums, and demanding sweeping changes. Yeah…