Challenge rift 301, seriously?

All three times, I failed by around 15 seconds. The best I can come up with is to steed and gather as many as possible and spam whatever you can. Most of the damage comes from the poisons and lightning from gear.

No passive wrath regen, so you are kind of stuck.

I also try to gather as many elites as I can.
Ok, I did get it done.

Here is what worked for me. In the first area, I just went for all the elites first, gathered as much trash as I could and hit pylons when I came across them.

I saved the chaneling pylone for right before I went to the next level, and just spammed steed until I got there.

I gathered up the two large groups on the second stage and killed them along with the groups of elites.

Boss time then came, and I saved my Big Wrath CD for th elast half of that fight. Finished it with around 30 seconds left.

Good luck.

It’s actually a wrathless build, spend it all and then start auto attacking, they start dying, then cycle your spells to move and focus.

just finished it. very unfun. You should save the resource pylon for the boss fight or you’re going to have a very bad time.


This was some trolling garbage. Eventually I found a strat that was really easy, gave me a full min window to fight boss WITH channeling pylon. I just rushed to end of 2nd floor, using wrath/cds along the way but using steed off cd to get there asap. Then worked my way back killing all elites and as much of the masses as I could. This way I could spawn boss in first floor and use channeling pylon once he spawned.

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did it on my 1st try, yea is freaking hard specially on boss where u get out of resources but, is doable

I finished it on first attempt without dying. Best way is to ignore using Heaven’s Fury and just spam Fist of Heaven and this is because you have zero spirit regenerators.

After you first cross the bridge, head north of the map where there is a Power pylon, spam Fist of Heaven on the elites where there will be 2 sets of elites along the way to the pylon, then head west to pickup 1 more yellow elite. From there head back south, towards the bridge, to the right of the bridge is a Channeling pylon, grab it and head northeast to map 2.

As soon as you get there head southwest to a Shield pylon and take out the 2 sets of elites there, then continue along the map to the bottom corner and take those elites out, then continue to the last set of elites just before the next map. Focus on taking out the dogs first and then the spiders. If you make it to the 3rd map before the boss drops, run down the platform to the first set of stairs where you’ll fine a yellow elite which should cause the boss to drop. Remember to only use all your cool-downs when they’re available and only used Akarat’s Champion when you have a large cluster around you, unless you’re fighting the boss.

Boss fight is tedious, but doable. Same as before, spam your cool-downs and ONLY use Fist of Heaven. Don’t worry about the countdown, just focus on downing the boss and not so much his first AOE but his second AOE (the multiple ice fissures), don’t stand but move because they can kill.

Hope this helps.


^ Thanks! Did it with 15 secs to spare!

just finished it on my first time. only used fist of the heaven and auto attack when out of spirit. was up by almost 2 minutes but the boss took a bit and it was down to the wire, mainly cause i took some time running to see if i missed a pylon but had like 15 seconds left when i downed him.

did it in pubs, only way its not miserable. stuff is not fun at all. they choose the least meshed builds and call it a “challenge”

Brings me back to the one time they decided it would be funny to have everyone run an absolute 0 dps WD build.

I thought they were planning on implementing a system to prevent these types of builds from showing up in challenge rifts, but apparently that too got ignored.

Was is really that hard?

I just went in there, killed everything using FotH, didn’t even need to use HF.

I finished it 4 minutes and 35 seconds first try, while looking at the LB, others finish it less than 4 minutes.

Basically, like every other CR, go in there, run around and kill everything.

If it’s a piece of cake to do whats the point of calling it a challenge

Too bad what stopped making guides?

And yeah, this one was puzzling.

5;01 first try. Such a gg map. Tips;
You can remap the keys. Just leave out shield glare & fires of heaven
Your wrath regen comes from prophet, unstoppable force and a pylon. Plus use potions.

As a few mentioned above, I was able to finally complete it by rounding up large groups of trash and elites and letting AOE take them down. I saved the channeling pylon for the boss. Essentially, I followed this guide:

At the start of his last video, he announced that because D4 is on it’s way, he’s switching all his focus to that.


Who are we talking about?


Yeah, I don’t know what that is.

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What? That? Isn’t that a bit too disrespectful?

And here’s another thread that will go off the rails about YouTubers…