Challenge rift 134 no cache

So, i completed my first ever challenge rift. Hooray. took me around an hour to get it but i got under the time by about 3 seconds. So i complete the rift, take the portal back to the challenge hub, and nothing. Mailbox? Nope. Just a potion that i am unable to redeem anywhere but here. Edira? No new dialogue. Obelisk? no “treasure chest” floating above it. I have a limited time to claim a reward that does not exist.

Go back to Adventure mode and start a game with the hero you want to claim the chest. In game, check the mail icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.

To clarify, on the game settings “Challenge Rifts” The reward box is colored in instead of black and white. time to beat: 5:35. There is no mail icon in adventure mode.

You do not claim the gift in Challenge mode. You need to switch to one of your existing characters. When you start a game, there should be an envelope icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

There was nowhere else to claim it. Adventure mode, story mode, Neither of them had shown mail. Besides, the claim was only available for me in Challenge Mode and it gave nothing but a potion.

Sometimes you get a mail icon while you’re in the Challenge Hub. But, you’re still on another player’s Character. That’s not your mail. As Boubou stated, you need to get back to one of your Characters and claim it from their in-game mail. If you don’t have mail, you probably didn’t beat the original player’s time. Try again.

I made this 9-minute video specifically showing how to start a Challenge Rift, how bad I suck at them and how to collect your Challenge Rift Cache. I hope it helps.

Helped alot, didnt get a single check mark. Y’see this is why i dont use the forums, i am always unfailably the one who didnt read the fine text.