Casual player Poison Nova Question for S20

Hello Necro experts,

I’m a pretty casual player in seasons and it has been a while since i’ve played necro. My understanding is that the S20 buff seems to benefit the Necro the most. Is there a poison nova build possible that will do up to GR90ish in season with 800-1000 paragon?

I really want to just play some poison nova (preferably with Inarus) where I just warp from pack to pack, poison nova a couple of times and go to next pack.

Would this be possible with the LOD gem or the inarus set? Thanks for any replies.
Inarius would probably be something like this…
While this is how I would expect a LoD build to turn out next season.

Both are likely to be viable options, but LoD will probably preform better when properly geared.

Thank You for your reply!

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poision golem… its sheety cooldown nayr buff but guarantee addITIONAL 100% DMG