Captain Crimsons

Saw a lot of guides that tend to use the belt and pants for M6 builds. Curious, why not use the belt and shoes instead. By rolling pants, there is another variable in property (1 to 2 sockets) that shoes do not need to face

Pants need…

  • DEX
  • VIT
  • All Resist
  • 2 Sockets

Boots need

  • DEX
  • VIT
  • All Resist
  • 15% Skill Damage (e.g. Cluster Arrow)

Regardless of which ones you craft, you’re going to need at least three of the affixes to be right so that you can re-roll the 4th one if necessary.


I tend to take a look at which set parts I have and find which is best then craft the CC version of the other one.

I would mention also that I prefer to get movement speed on boots.

There is a difference between need to have and nice to have.

I would like to mention why? The movement speed from para is the max outside of skills and other items like warcharian braces, wreath lightning gem etc. The movement speed on your boots are in other words redundant.


Pants are nice because one pair will work for multiple skill builds.

If you make boots and you want to play M6 Cluster, UE Multishot, and S6 Impale with Crimson’s, you’d either need to constantly reroll the skill on the boots, or have multiple pairs of Crimson’s boots.

It’s easier to use the class set boots and roll the necessary skill on those, then share the pants across all the builds.