Can't play. Error 1021

Can play WoW and Hearthstone just fine. Reinstalled D3 for 2 times now and still getting error 1021. Why? Used to be able to just intall and play. Don’t go all crazy tech on me. I have no clue about tech stuff.

Hey there Immhey,

It looks like the reported error is related to the network connection. To combat this I might suggest powering down the modem and router (both if they are separate devices) by unplugging them for 30 minutes before plugging them back in.

Let us know if this works for you.

It will always be your problem, not blizzard. Just don’t buy the next installment of diablo and problem solved. Having the same problem as you so no blizzard fault. oh wait i also got 39500 error.

I dont understand how every single issue since the patch is a user problem where they need to reboot their router. Do you understand that most of this community has technical skill and is sick of this as an excuse? I am.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Tioneb22 - Error 1021