Cant find a game to join. back after a few years off

If you want to find other people to play with on your non-seasonal heroes, you’re going to need to be looking for groups at Torment 16. If you want to join public groups there are requirements you need to meet before you can join them…

To Access Public Group Solo GR completion Required
Normal No requirement
Hard No requirement
Expert No requirement
Master No requirement
Torment I-VI No requirement
Torment VII Solo Greater Rift 30
Torment VIII Solo Greater Rift 35
Torment IX Solo Greater Rift 40
Torment X Solo Greater Rift 45
Torment XI Solo Greater Rift 50
Torment XII Solo Greater Rift 55
Torment XIII Solo Greater Rift 60
Torment XIV Solo Greater Rift 65
Torment XV Solo Greater Rift 70
Torment XVI Solo Greater Rift 75

As for your seasonal hero, the same applies. The season’s been running around three months so you’ll pretty much only find people to play with at level 70 and Torment 16. However, there’s plenty of people playing in season, and if you ask nicely in the in-game General Chat for a level 1-70 boost, someone will generally reply in a couple of minutes and you’ll be level 70 in under 15 minutes.

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