Can't brake threw gr134!

Hi, I’m unable to clear this rift, lack of overall dps, single target takes to long to die. Packs relatevely fast but still way slower then the videos I see for top ranked wizard.

My hits usually doesn’t exeed 100T dmg, of course when I stack striken I do see few 150-200T.
Any tips?

Get more ancients? At 3k paragon you should have full ancients.

You’re missing 4 ancients (shoulders, helm, pants, Karini). Plus your Etched Sigil is a very mediocre roll.

You’re missing 18% DPS from the LoD bonus with only 9 ancients. Then you’re also missing the augs on those ancients, that’s another couple % DPS.

You’re also missing about 16% DPS on your Sigil. A couple % for the low damage roll, a couple % for the low CHC roll, and 8% for the low affix roll. The low affix roll is the worst part. I wouldn’t really consider using anything under 240%. 245+% ideally.

Overall you’re missing over 35% DPS from the 9 instead of 13 ancient and bad Etched Sigil alone. Getting those 4 slots to ancient and a better Sigil will gain you about 2 GRs worth of damage.

CoE is pretty bad too. Low crit rolls are about a 5% dps loss. 190 vs. 200 is another 1.5% DPS loss. Missing almost 7% DPS on your CoE vs. a perfect 50/6/200.

I’m guessing you don’t play much wizard? Your gear is okay if you were like a 1500 paragon wizard main. But at 3k paragon you should have better gear. You are missing a ton of damage.


Also, pro-tip:

You can still get ancient/primal off-hands by gambling on other classes. Want a better Etched Sigil? You don’t necessarily have to spend a ton of time playing wizard. Just dump your shards on sources while you are doing your rats/metas. You don’t have to switch to wizard to gamble sources.

Mantle of Channeling and Swampies should be pretty straightforward to improve too.

Karini will be the toughest one. It’s extremely hard to get a well-rolled ancient trifecta Karini with a high DR value. Take it from a wizard main who has dumped thousands of mats into Karinis.

thanks for your reply, I’m not full ancient because I didn’t find ones with good rolls. I’ll review what you said and work on it.


On gear, agree that you really need ancients in those slots. And the halo of karini is extremely difficult to roll well due to the large range in orange text: you take twice the damage with a 60% roll compared to a 80% roll. And your 76% roll is 20% more damage taken compared to a 80% roll, a huge difference. I think unless you get very lucky, it’s better to cube the karini and equip unity. Yes the elite damage will ruin the trifecta AD, CH, CD, but worth the 20% damage imo. Seems you have rolled cold damage on your amulet? Overall you must be very squishy with that karini and andariels over leorics.

But I have a similar sheet dps to you, maybe closer to 4M, but I often see hits around 500T in the arcane cycle, and cleared 135 in less than 10 keys. So I while you definitely can improve your gear, I’m thinking the problem might be with how you play it. Are you sure you’re doing the rotation correctly? Are you manually casting the seeding twister? Maybe you’re too squishy and cant channel through the CoE burst from the oculus?

Changed 3 piecees to ancient, mantle of channeling, halo of karini and swamp land, could not find a better karini … lost 20% area dmg.
I already see improvement, did not attempt gr 134 but I will tonight.

Change the amulet cold to arcane, my fault forget to do it.

I don’t have survivability issues, always full arcane power becasue of my belt.

i’m getting better in the gameplay.

I don’t have issue surviving, but many monster have knockback or fear that interupt channeling. So i have to recast manually the seeding twister.

I’ll try it, but have 76% on karini but why this 4% reduction dmg makes such a big deal?

Because of the way damage reduction works. The higher your damage reduction, the more each % of extra damage reduction on the same affix is worth (note that it doesn’t change the value of DR from separate sources which multiply in separately). It’s the opposite of the way that damage multipliers work. If you had a damage multiplier affix, the last few % are worth less than the first few %. With DR it’s the opposite, the last few % on an affix are worth more than the first few %.

Going from 0% to 4% DR is not the same as going from 76% to 80% DR.

Going from 0% to 4% DR, if you took 100 damage, you’ll now take 96.
Going from 76% to 80% DR, if you took 24 damage, you’ll now take 20. Or if you took 100 damage, you’ll now take 83.

You can see that going from 76% to 80% DR is worth a lot more than going from 0% to 4% DR.

Here’s a plot of the DR to toughness curve for Karini:

You can see it’s not linear. Those last few % DR on the Karini affix are actually worth a lot. Having an 80% Karini instead of a 76% Karini is a 20% toughness gain.

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I cubed karini, indeed better toughness!! just cleared a 135 gr :slight_smile:

p.s: did not get any solo ranking… something wrong?

Europe servers? There’s reports the leaderboards are broken over there again.

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Thanks, very informative. Did not know that at all.

things worked pretty good for me with these changes, working on gr 139 now :slight_smile: elites hard very hard to kill… focusing on big packs to progress, 172% area dmg.