Can we unnerf Chantodo?

Honestly, they should just get rid of area damage, replace it with something else and then rebalance the builds lol. Would also help with lag a lot

Yah I mean the way it was in vanilla and beginning of RoS it was actually a risk, a trade-off since the density was so much lower. An actual option.

Now with the insane density it’s pretty automatic that if you’re in GR hell even 105+ , you’re just doing less damage by not taking it or utilizing it, period. So it became instead of an option or risk, a guarantee. Oh just do 5x damage everytime in a 4p group 105+…okay…what a fun option :sweat_smile:

And so of course that becomes the norm in solo 120+ as well

I actually think the problem also stems from CoE as well. That ring makes it better to stack and then explode instead of doing constant damage. This also compliments the way AD works as well

VYRDODO is one of the highest clear now 140+ solo ns…it wqasnt nerfed a lot… more classes is far away

You are correct! After the recent patch, there are even more classes, that are stronger compared to chantodo Vyr! Thank you for your Support. So we have barb, Monk,crusader and WD! that are 4 classes that are even above 144+! Chantodo Vyr wasnt nerfed a lot, but it was too much.

Or maybe you mean we should nerf every build to demonhunter lv? I Would be glad because that would be fair! Every spec would suck but at least everyone would have to suffer equally :slight_smile:

The nerf wasnt fair at all and wasnt needed in the first place period.


imo we should nerf every build to 130 solo at most and no way to gain 150 in party…it will be perfect world ;]

Wheres the fun in that?

I agree the Chantodo Vyr build actually brought me back to playing Wizard after a long lay off, it was fun to play, very entertaining and it really didn’t need to be Nerfed as it turned out to be “balanced” with other good builds.

So YES, Unnerf Chantodo!


Yes please unnerf Chantodo,my vote is in .


I want to play a similar powered frozen Orb build tbh. That’s fun!

My favorite wizard builds
Vyr Manald
Tal meteor shower
Tal frozen Orb

All of these look so cool when playing. I personally wanted a mirror image set. Imagine if the new set was something like this instead.

  • 2piece - your mirror images now deal your full damage
  • 4piece - your mirror images decrease damage taken by 60%
  • 6piece - your mirror images increase all damage by 15,000%

Or something similar

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Nope, if we just buff everything to the highest tier then in 2 seasons we will all clear GRift 150 solos in 2 days of season start. You have to nerf the top builds. It’s the only way power creep doesn’t fly sky high

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Yes I have actually, and this is simply not true.

I don’t as I understand the limits of Meteor Shower. Half your damage doesn’t benefit from Area Damage since it’s coming from Etched Sigil. It’s not used in groups because it’s so weak, it’s also from the lack of Area Damage kill potential that 4p groups need.

Anyone knows if next season they will unnerf Chantodo? Or buff Vyr in general? Honestly can see and say that vyr wiz population is very low, 4 man groups always looking for only SB WD now, vyr wiz cant compete. There could be other reasons but I think the nerf had the biggest impact.


After a year I’m coming back to this again. Chantodo was one of the most fun builds I’ve played. Can we make it competitive again? Doesn’t make sense to nerf this build where soon after, other classes got major buffs that surpassed this one.


Agree. Why on earth did they nerf this build so bad. Is it so hard to make atleast two builds competitive…


Lol in what universe?

Hitting like a wet tissue 80% of the gameplay time just for a 20-second window of bland-af walking-around-and-letting-Wave-of-Destruction-do-all-the-work.

Bye Felicia…

I don’t play wizard but this would be a very easy way to make wizard have one build that is competitive. It would require almost no work and would make a lot of people happy.


My own suggestion on what could be done for Vyr and Chantodo.


In my universe.

If you spent 80% of the time hitting like a wet tissue, you probably had the wrong gear. With the correct setup, you actually spend most of your time in archon form with little down time at all. The fun comes in with timing the convention of element rotations with setting up the grouping and pulls and while having great mobility to do it with teleporting.


yep, unnerf chantodo. it and has always been at the same tier as any other builds and it was fun to play.