Can flagging be weaponised?

i ask, because i know a number of posters always post personal hate to me, if they comment on my posts.

and now, another of my posts seems to have been massflagged due to being off-topic.

my point: strictly talking, most threads and posts derail soon and change to off-topic debates where noone is against. (never massflagged).

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This is a video game forum. It is best not to post something that is perceived as political and contentious.

In my experience, posts that are mass flagged typically appear to me to violate the CoC. There are exceptions.



that’s the reason that:
1 i posted in a thread with a topic related to mine.
2 i posted an on-topic reaction first.
3 then i posted a very mild form of linking the topic to very hot news about it, going on in real life.

i hoped that it was enough to keep the massflaggers away.

the post is still evaluated, i’m crossing my fingers, hoping it get’s a pass this time.

Point number 1 is irrelevant. Just because you made the first post does not change the forum rules for you in that thread.

Point 3 is key. Making a link to a real liffe hot topic results in a predictable forum response. Again, this is a video game forum. There are other places to discuss political hot topics that are far more appropriate.


If flagging could be “weaponized”, I’d imagine there’d be a lot more usage of it within the forums.

You posted in that thread before you created this one, so in no way was it related to yours.

Maybe hot news to you, but still wrong forum. There are news sites and discussion boards for that sort of topic. This is a video game board.


true, but then i repeat something relevant:

and those off-topic posts are also often enough touching out-of game topics or remarks.

Yes, and it’s been done before.

Repeat offenders are the DH board. You can’t have an opinion there, unless you main a DH. I’ve went on a few “vacations”, thanks to them. That’s one class I now have a bad taste for.

Other than that, it’s just trolls who know they can abuse this system. Blizzard pretty much gave them the “green light”, since they don’t monitor these forums on a regular basis.

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yes well, the only thing i can say is that i don’t see the forums as political platforms, but all other off-topic content seems to be tolerated.

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If a thread goes off topic that would not necessarily lead to mass flagging. Often you will see a thread tdiverge into unrelated topic (relative to the original post) musical preferences as an example. That is well-tolerated. If posts get into hot button topics, then forum members are more likely to flag a post. For me, I tend to be very weary to use real life examples to illustrate my point that are unrelated to video games.

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If those don’t violate CoC mods generally don’t act. Sometimes they can be misled but as long as there’s no punishment, you can consider yourself way above others’ opinions. A mass flag or bury doesn’t mean there’ll be a punishment and that’s all it matters.

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i do know i take a risk on some posts, but i try at the same time be as mild and friendly as i can, as i keep adapting and seek compromise.

If you take “risks” then it should not surprise you when that risk backfires.


I’d say your attitude, tone matters less. It’s the severity of the topic that matters, a topic where there can be a distinct left and right. I think I know which posts you’re talking about even though I didn’t see it flagged then. I knew you were crossing the line. If you more leaned on the left, the right side people will flag you. If you more leaned on the right, the left side will flag you. You’re on the losing end regardless when you decided to post such topic. So simply don’t posts that kind of topic.
(and yes, my words choice were intentional)

is it really that bad, amongst the readers?
-i know that the average age of the playerbase is 32

to me, being an adult, any good news is good news.
(here i chose my words carefully too)

What constitutes ‘good news’ is entirely subjective so best to just leave it for appropriate forums.


I wasn’t really talking about alt-, or extreme-. Say, metal music, some may like it, some may not, but that preference doesn’t really affect much in people’s life. Political stuff however, or even religious stuff, those can be quite personal to some people.

Well, even from your initial post, I could figure where your stance more lies (and I’m more with you on this). But ‘good news’ is just subjective in this day and age.

i get that,
therefore, i posted it, after i heard there was bipartisan support on the subject.

If your topic is indeed not off-topic, the moderators will remove the flags after they reviewed it. There is nothing that people can do against as long as you are not posting something off-topic and rude.

I knew it because in the past, there were a bunch of people mass flagging my post because they just don’t like it, and I was shocked when I received a notification from the system that my post got flagged for many times and they will take action on my post after they reviewed it if my post was indeed against the TOS, and then later they removed the flags and restored my post to normal as my post doesn’t violated the TOS at all.

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A post gets vote kicked in a thread about getting vote kicked.
Seems appropriately ironic.

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