Can I please have Micro transactions in D3 (hear me out)

You have to admit, this game is dead. It’s so hard to get a 4 man group going. People quit. There’s no point in investing more time on a dead game. As mentioned by someone else above, I would rather they spend more time on D4 with a fresh new start. D2R currently has more players than D3 does lol.

What was old will be new again. That’s the way of the world :sunglasses:

Microtransactions severly lower the quality of a game by removing many rewards that youd usually have to work hard for to gain a sense of achievement and instead expects you to pay $20+ for it, despite being worthless pixels that cost almost nothing to produce.

Many games have gameplay start to be influenced by being able to purchase in game items or even be able to play the game at all if you look at mobile phones.

I could bring up many more examples but I honestly dont think its worth the effort explaining how bad it is.
For a free to play game I can understand that they need a source of income, but that is the only exception. If any at all microtransactions appear in d3, they will be expanded upon grratly as was done in wow and ruin the sense of achievement in the game.

I know many people here are for just buying wings and whatever because they dont care for this but many do not and the forum is a very bias place from what ive gathered.
I highly doubt that introducing a revenue stream into d3 will cause blizzard to spend time developing the game, instead it will encourage them to spend time producing more in store items because many people will buy them regardless of the quality of the game.
Also on the point of not having currently existing wings on the store, this will just mean less unique items can be earnt in game. This is very clear in wow where 90% of the mounts you earn in game are just reskins and rarely unique unless you visit the store.

Thanks for making your points so clearly.

And hey, I hear ya.

The negative side effects of micro-transactions that you’ve laid out are pretty bad. Maybe I’m just an idealist, I see something that can be improved upon without considering just how badly people can screw it up.

Still, I’d prefer to be more optimistic and less cynical. A developer with good leadership who lays out a mission statement and sticks to it, regardless of the lure of quick profits could very much create a micro-transaction system that was a service, not a parasite.

Regardless, I see where you’re coming from.

This isn’t the first time this idea has been brought up. Many of us really wanted more storage space and character slots and were willing to buy them via a microtransaction store.

Blizzard refuses to add in microtransactions to what is still a AAA title that requested a premium price to buy. Additionally, they’ve stated that they cannot add in more stash space as the number of items potentially live in the game causes performance issues and stability problems.

As some have said already, it’s better that Blizzard put their resources into developing D4 and ensure it doesn’t run into such problems… and that’s coming from someone who loves the D3 skill and build system compared to other ARPGs and would have preferred to see this game continue to thrive.

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MTX that is for looks and pets sits okay with me.

MTX to pick up items or any advantage to the player to make the game easier is a hard no for me.

The horse may have bolted for D3 but who knows. There is already a “Shop” and China has the ability to purchase pets etc so yeah maybe the game isn’t too old to add the “nicer” MTX :thinking:

Heh, considering the hot water Blizzard is in we can probably quite definitively say that’s not the case.

Auto pick up of all things not taking up inventory space should be a must. A toggle for inventory items should easily be an accessibility option. As well as a loot filter.

I wouldn’t pay for any if those as they should be standard. Having to click fininiky icons adds nothing to gameplay IMO, but I can concede since you need to manage inventory, you should choose to pick things up or not.

Agreed! My take as well!

Lol D2R forum is full of “where is everyone, the game’s dead” posts.

Go try to find a game in the lobby, I’ll wait.


No mtx. Just no.

20 characters.

you are literally copying my ideas now. this is borderline plagiarism.

What by coming here and quitting every second week?

©️ please


k, who’s sock puppet account is this?

Asked the puppet master…



Could you link your thread or posts? I’d interested to compare notes.

plz leave a like and subscribe

Similar idea’s, significant difference in presentation.

It’s not like it’s a unique thought, especially buying stash have been asked for years.


No socks here mate soz. Been here a while with my 1 account so I can’t even plus one myself - d’oh.

On topic… Yes MTX has been raised for this game since launch. The threads come and go. The delivery is what makes a thread worthy of peoples positive reactions.

Well presented ideas get discussed with the good and bad points. If the OP makes good points and is respectful, then the OP will get a good thread going.

If the OP is not respectful or uses multiple accounts to bump/up vote etc, then the thread will just turn into a bit of a dud.

DooksDizzo has raised good points and maybe a controversial point, but they have kept cool and discussed the thread with the community in a civil manner.

I personally like some MTX and think it would be okay for pets and cosmetics. D3 has a shop already that just needs to be filled with pets, wings and tmogs.


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