Can flagging be weaponised?

The sun confirms it every morning :sun_with_face:

is the sun flat or not?

If you think Itā€™s hot youā€™re right


She so hot and shiny :smiley:


Thereā€™s a difference between ā€˜truthā€™ and ā€˜beliefsā€™. If there is no truth there can not be untruth. If there is no truth beyond an individualā€™s belief that something is true, then an individual cannot hold their own beliefs to be false or mistaken. In other words they are looking for a way to weasel out of things.

And remember: Opinions are like ā€˜rear endsā€™ - everybody has one and some are full of :poop:


Have one of these on me :beer: or if you prefer :wine_glass:

It is a difficult thing to try and reason with an ignorant person.

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:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:
watch it, this is a minefield.
-In your mind it can be a weapon yes.

May I suggest that this thread has really gone off the rails.


They generally do when it comes to ā€œyou-know-who.ā€

Why would anyone make haters?

You may want to adjust your hunch a bit to not trying to detect hate.
-How do you detect another personā€™s hate? are you on constant alert for it? You do not seem paranoid.
I only ever hated one person who drugged and sexually assaulted one of my relatives. -I would never bring that amount of emotion into a debate, and that person do not know I hate him. -So you should by evidence provided pick another word for your feeling of persecution.

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I refer to it because it ably demonstrates exactly how much trust we can place in your claim that you stay ā€œstrict and fairā€ when debating, i.e. you were completely willing to lie about what I said, then provide a counter-argument to something I never said, just to try and score points. Iā€™d suggest thatā€™s firmly in the ā€œdishonest and unfairā€ category.


may i suggest that this is an attempt to close the thread.

nonsense (got 2 likes, they serve each other + Avalon)

nonsense (got 2 likes, they serve each other + Avalon)

see whatā€™s going on here?
another 4 trolls (yep, you too, MB) that joins Avalon behind the mute wall, bye.
-no hate from me, just a reaction on haters and/or trolls, nothing personalā€¦

Because this is how he passes the time. It was never about understanding the opposing argument. All he wants is attention, and you keep giving it to him.


Aggressor or defender, you were still very likely breaking the ToS.

Somebody else being mean to you isnā€™t a free licence to do whatever you want in defense of that. Breaking the rules puts you at risk for having action taken against you if itā€™s reported.

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So you think calling people haters is not personal?
And just for your information -you canā€™t feel another personā€™s hate, unless you have ESP.

So tolerant of disagreement that you put people that disagree with you on mute so that you canā€™t see them disagreeing with you.

You make me chuckle sometimes.

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Iā€™ve had a few recent flags for basically calling out people making crap up or being hypocrites. None of which I regret. I donā€™t particularly view the behavior a coincidence with it starting after Blizzcon and Blizz basically opening the doors for any and all feedback, no matter how inane or out of touch. Thereā€™s also a high probability itā€™s the people I called out, their alts, and/or their friends doing the flagging. Itā€™s basically become the alternative to the dislike button.

That said, like others, I could also call the OP on prior behavior, particularly when it comes to political references. As one of those evil leftists youā€™ve commonly derided, I can assure you any endeavor I pursue in that arena is for the betterment of humanity. But Iā€™ll just leave it at that since the US is doing enough burning at the moment.


yep, but i payed already for all my infractions, so it would not be fair.
-at least, finally, i can skip those that agitate and annoy me, so i protect myself from being triggered; iā€™m way more ā€˜friendlyā€™, thanks to this new forum.

also, most others have their ā€˜pastā€™ hereā€¦iā€™m not digging.

i only act on people that structurally agitate me, unprovoked and luring me to sometimes derail my own thread or if some go way too far in even 1 post, by shoving them into silence; 34 sofar.

a request: make the ignore/mute button endless, but reversible.
-that would be an improvement.

I canā€™t determine if the OP is one the greatest trolls ever (after reading his threads for years now) orā€¦ well you know.