Can diablo 4 run on windows 11

so i got a new pc as my old one was getting super slow…
but i was forced to get windows 11…
so i wonder if the D4 beta and D4 can even run…
have seen a few having problems with running the beta on windows 11…
but not seen a clear yes or no if it can…

Of course it can. Win 11 is just a newer version of 10.

Wrong. It does not work with windows 11.

Jeez, you’re dense. Of course it does.


Please note that the Diablo IV forums are now up and running; please post there for issues, feedback and bugs in the game:

Do you even have windows 11? Have you tried it?

…didn’t think so.

The answer to both your questions is “yes.” D4 runs on Windows 11. Clearly, it is you that hasn’t tried.

I bequeath you, it is thine who hath not tried.