Can blizzard be responsible to inform Season end dates?

LMAO expecting a lot from them are we? Just keep pounding until they do it.

They have never been good about telling anything to anyone


Huh? They announced the season 31 start date but no end date of season 30…

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Many of us assume it will end next Sunday, the 7th.
How hard would it have been for them to add one line of text to the announcement?


Some people really make me long for the return of the downvote button.

That should of been stated though, Since they wanna give a season 31 start date

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Probably that due to no client patches needed they plan to shift season end to the day before starting the new one. But I wouldn’t be count to that.

…Maybe Blizzard “surprises” us with a hard changeover, season 30 ends and season 31 starts at the exact same time?

:smiling_imp: :clown_face: :partying_face: :disguised_face: :crazy_face:

Don’t think so

Maybe S30 will never end, so it will become a non-season. This way they can say a non-season has the Altar. Marvel may have copyrighted the Multiverse, but you think that will stop Blizz?


Blue post just went up today. Official end date is Apr 7th.

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This is what I was thinking. Really stinks, this is my favorite season besides the ethereal weapons, of course. So basically 5 more days if it goes by the same schedule they’ve kept for D3 seasons for years.

Edit: I guess I should have looked first , but they actually posted it now. :rofl:

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