Caldesann's Bug or Feature?

Hello Everyone.

I saw many posts about Caldesann’s Despair but haven’t found any solution to my problem.
So I am kinda now DESPERATE :D.

Thing is:

I have this wonderful Valor Set for my Crusader and got almost everything in ancient (need only the amulet and helmet).

Yesterday I leveled up a random Gem I don’t use, to level 111. I took 3 rubies and decided to add more strenght.

This is what it has become:

+827 Strenght
+991 Vitality
~ rerolled Critical Hit Dmg incr. +47%

  • Crit Chance 9.5%
  • 555 Strenght Caldesann’s despair Rank 111

But THIS is what happened on my stats:

STR: 14 400
DEX: 77
INT: 77
Vitality: 6975

STR: 14 464
DEX: 77
INT: 77
Vitality: 6975

And no, this item had no Caldesann’s before. Only my chest piece, on which I aded a level 52 Gem just for the seasonal quests (wanted this sphynx cat/rat/goblin/w-e follower asap).

I was still curious and found in my chest another gauntlet with similar stats but no caldesann on them.

I noticed that the damage difference was - 4.9%

But if I press SHIFT (which actually should ignore Caldesann’s:

I noticed a -0.6% difference.

Bascially around 4% damage difference.

555 / 14 400 x 100 = 3.85% which is kinda similar.

So my question is. Did I actually get my strenght ? or my bonus has become an invisible feature ? Or is it just a bug ? Or did I mess up somewhere ?

I’d appreciate all help !

A Rank 52 Caldesann’s Despair adds 260 STR.
A Rank 111 Caldesann’s Despair adds 555 STR.
The increase was (555 - 260) STR = 295 STR.

Your original STR was 14400 STR.
Your new STR was 14464 STR.
The increase was (14464 - 14400) STR = 64 STR.

Okay, so we have a discrepancy of (295 - 64) STR = 231 STR.

Looking at your seasonal hero - Gatusvult - he’s still wearing the chest that has the 260 STR augment on it.
None of this sounds like a bug.

Could you take a screenshot with one of the chestpieces equipped, and the other in your hero’s inventory, with the mouse hovering over the one in the Inventory, so that we get to see a side-by-side comparison screenshot? Upload the screenshot to an image hosting site and then…

  1. Copy the URL to the clipboard
  2. Paste the URL into your forum post
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Crusader’s strength(stat) increase is somewhat different from other classes in that there is a passive that affects it: Finery (gain 1.5% str for every gem socketed into your gear). Yes, legendary gems in amulet, ring socket affects it, and even unconventional one like one in shield, which yours is currently empty.

So my question is, did you change other part of your gear while looking at the stats? If you changed any of your gems (head, chest, leg, amulet, rings, weapon, shield), or gear that has one, it will affect the result.

[The increase was (14464 - 14400) STR = 264 STR.]

Ehm, I thought 14 464 - 14 400 = 64 ? not 264 ? Or am I missing something ?

I wanted to post screenshots, but did not know how to showe them here.
Thank you!

So here we go !

Right before I did the caldesann’s:

Right After I did the caldesann’s

What the gauntlets have become:

The comparison I did:

So basically, caldesann’s works only for ONE piece of Armor, ONE piece of jewelery and ONE piece of weapon / shield ?

In order to see a bigger change I should have had “caldesanned” my weapon instead ?

I thought that you could use this effect on absolutely every item…

Note: I did not change my items. I kept all the same and added only the bonus.

I’m just plain confused now, because I thought this was about two different AOV chest pieces, with differing rank caldesann’s on them, but it seems now gloves are also involved.

Why are the screenshots taken with a mobile phone? Whilst you’re in-game, you can press the Print Screen key on your keyboard and the screen will be captured to your “Documents\Diablo III\Screenshots” folder. You can then upload them to an image-hosting site from there.

When I look at your hero on the armoury, I see the gloves with a 555 STR augment on them, and a chest with a 260 STR augment on them. Both of your pieces have Caldesann’s Despair applied.

Can we have some proper screenshots? For example…

Two screenshots of your character sheet, one with the new / augmented items on, one with the old items on. Here’s one of one of my Crusaders as an example…

Then a screenshot comparing the old / new gloves, like so…

Then a screenshot comparing the old / new chest, like so…

Right now, I’m not sure anyone can say what the issue is or, indeed, if there is any issue, because we don’t know exactly what you’re trying to compare.

Right now, I don’t know where is the issue with the photos or why they were taken with the phone. You struggle seeing the figures ? Or am I ain’t clear enough ?
If you have troubles seeing figures I did screenshots extra for you.

To make it clear.
1.- I had only a chest piece with 260 caldesann bonus.
2.- I decide to add gloves with 555 caldesann bonus.
3.- I take a snap RIGHT before I apply caldesann, I notice 14 400 Strenght.
4.- I apply Caldesann
5.- My strenght becomes 14 464 and I take another snap (a matter of SECONDS).
6.- I see the result and I can’t understand the calulations: WHY NOT 14 955 ? (14 400 + 555 ???)
7.- I decide to compare with some Junk gloves with similar basic stats (without caldesann).
8.- I notice -4.9% bonus damage difference.
9.- I press SHIFT and the difference becomes -0.6%.

That’s it.

The question is: How does this work ? if for a 555 caldesann I only get 64 strenght, this is a waste of time. If not, what could possibly go wrong ?

NOTE: the stats are different now, because, I played after and leveled some paragons.

Actual stats now.

Comparison with similar gloves

New stats with those same gloves without caldesann

I don’t understand the logic behind the calculations.

I’m beginning to think this part is where you were mistaken. I did some number crunching. And you’re missing exactly 500 str.

14464 ÷ 1.15 (10 socketed gear, 1.5% × 10) = 12577 str (this is your str before Finery)
14400 ÷ 1.15 = 12522 str

You gained 55 str after you reforged your hand for 555 str. 500 main stat / 100 gem level is what D3 players normally consider as the starter reforge level.


this part is weird to me also. You gained 3 paragon points, but you only decided to spend 2 points on strength, none on vit, 1 point in either move speed or resource.

Did you happened to shuffle 100 paragon points (equals 500 str) through main stat / move spd / resource?

I still think it’s the latter case, but just making sure.

I guarantee you, those gloves, had no caldesann. It was my second time doing it.

And no I did not shuffle my paragons.

I tell you, I took a photos in between upgrades. A matter of seconds.

As Maxroll’s D3Planner is having problems importing heroes that have the new followers, I can’t look in-depth at your gear. So, let’s resort to looking at your armoury page and doing some sums…

Gear Piece Strength Affix Caldesann’s Despair Total Strength
Helm 734 0 734
Shoulders 557 0 557
Amulet 659 0 659
Gloves 827 555 1382
Chest 556 260 816
Bracers 640 0 640
Belt 553 0 553
Left Ring 550 0 550
Right Ring 583 0 583
Legs 642 0 642
Weapon 1384 0 1384
Boots 608 0 608
Shield 962 0 960

Total STR (Affixes) = 9255 STR
Total STR (Caldesann’s) = 815 STR
Total STR (Affixes + Caldesann’s) = 9255 + 815 = 10070 STR

You have five max level Rubies = (5 * 280) STR = 1400 STR

You have 890 paragon, and you say you’ve placed no points into VIT.
Let’s assume you spent 50 points on Maximum Wrath but none on Movement Speed.
That would allow you to allocate 240 paragon points to STR.
At 5 STR per paragon point that’s (240 * 5) = 1200 STR

Adding together the (affixes + caldesann’s), rubies and paragon = 10070 + 1400 + 1200 = 12670 STR

You have the Finery passive selected, which gives 1.5% more STR for every gem you have socketed.

You have gems in helm (1), chest (3), legs (2), amulet (1), left ring (1) right ring (1) and weapon (1) which is a total of 10 gems, so (10 * 1.5%) = 15% extra STR

That Finery multiplier gives us (12670 * 1.15) STR = 14570.5 STR

This is very close to what your screenshot shows, at 14475 STR

If you have some paragon points assigned to Movement Speed, that would account for the small difference.

Basically though, I’m not seeing any fault / bug.

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This is extremely detailed! Thank you very much.
I will proceed to a new caldesann’s upgrade on my shoulders.

I will give every detail.

What I still don’t get, is why does Caldesann’s Despair have so little effect in that case…

NOTE: what if I remove all max wrath and movement speed an vitality and drop all into Strenght. Is it a good choice ?

Just did another Crafting session

I did the test again and here is the step by step:

I reset all paragon core stats and dropped everything into strength.

Got the necesseray Gem and Rubies + behold my Strenght: 15 200

  1. I took the pauldrons that had no Caldesann’s before

  1. I did the transmutation.

And now I have 15 775 Strenght. Which is a 575 bonus.
So the previous calculations you did in your table might be correct but still irrelevant. Since this new crafting does not follow your logic.

In that case, it worked as it should have. +75 extra bonus from this 1.5% gem trait I assume.

Yet I still don’t get it why it did not work out for my gauntlets…

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Before Caldesann’s Despair on shoulders = 15200 STR
After Caldesann’s Despair on shoulders = 15775 STR
Difference = 575 STR

Your augment added 500 STR and Finery gave a 15% bonus to that…
(500 * 1.15) = 575 STR

This is NOT a bug.

Please do as Perusoe suggests and move the thread to the Crusader forum.

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Thread Moved.

I don’t know. Maybe my English skills lack clarity, maybe my screenshots are too blured.

I know that caldesann’s upgrade on shoulders was correct.

15 200 + 500 = 15 900 +75 passive bonus. This is not a bug.

but when I explained that I did EXACTLY the same thing with my gauntlets and went from 14 400 to 14 464 no one saw an issue there and I got tons of calculations.
14 400 + 555 = 14 464 this result seems not to shock you.

That’s because in the case of your shoulders, we knew the exact STR values before and after the augment was applied. In the case of your chest / gloves, even with your screenshots, I’m still not clear exactly what STR values you had pre / post chest augment and pre / post glove augment, whether you changed any gems, what paragon level you were, how you’d assigned the points in the Core tab of Paragon, and so on.

All we can say for sure is when it comes to your shoulders you applied a 500 STR augment and got the expected 575 STR as a result (500 STR + 15% from Finery) so there’s no bug.

There’s no way we’re going to be able to retroactively work out what STR values / paragon allocations you had when you took your previous screenshots.

I don’t ask to figure it out retroactively.

I just said that at the instant T without touching any stats I do my caldesann’s transformation.
At instant T + 3 seconds I noticed only 64 Strenght difference. I did not touch any parameter, I had no buffs. I had nothing. That’s it.

This time for shoulders it worked out properly. I think there was a bug. I have no other explanations.

Unless you know what your paragon level and paragon allocation was at the time you did your glove augment, we can’t ascertain what happened.

If you do know, and can tell us, we could import your hero into d3planner, allocate paragon points to match that, remove the shoulder augment, and so on, and see if the STR value comes out to what you had.