[Bug]Xbox 1x Augmentation destroyed my build

Augmented my first primal legendary necklace…all base stats increased and now my DPS has been drastically reduced…was running through Level 70 GRs easily and now I’m dying multiple times before I can kill the very first spawned enemy…All stats in game were extremely handicapped but all statistics showed increases.Seasonal character is broken…tried re-augmentation and even unequipping said Necklace…nothing works…character unplayable.

  1. What hero class?
  2. Which amulet?
  3. What did you augment it with, i.e. which stat did you add using Caldesann’s Despair at the Cube?
  4. Or do you mean you re-rolled one of the amulet’s affixes at the Mystic and, if so, what did you roll off and what did you roll it into?

Can you show us a screenshot of the amulet?
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  2. Paste the URL into your forum post
  3. Highlight the URL in your post
  4. Click the </> button in the editor
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  6. Whilst not clickable, the URL will be properly formatted so others can copy / paste it like this… http://www.ThisIsAnExample.com/HowToMakeLinks.htm