Broken Crown Emanates issue (Solved)

Item: Broken Crown Lvl 59
Gem: Diamond
Affect: Emanates
Companion: Enchantress
Character lvl 66
Location: Horazon’s Dream 3

The emanates part is not working. I am not receiving a diamond gem for each of the other gems that I find.

This hero, I assume:

You aren’t supposed to… but I bet you’re getting a lot of rubies.

Refer to #20 of Things That Are NOT Bugs to learn how Emanate works.

If you want diamonds, you could put a diamond in the Helm of command being worn by the hero… instead of a ruby. Alternatively, you can use the cube recipe to convert 9 gems from one type to another (such as rubies to diamonds).

Not a bug.


It makes perfect sense now that I read it. Thank you for the reply.

20) I’m not getting the correct Gems from Broken Crown on the follower
The emanated power is given to your hero, not to your follower. This means the colour of the extra gems is based on which gem is in your hero’s helm, not your follower’s helm.
-Credit Meteorblade