Blood Shards gamble

Here’s my profile.

what equipment should I gamble my Blood shards on now?


Spend shards with your necro on belts.
Spend shards on a crusader for hands.
Hope for an ancient.

understand , the hands only shows up for strength characters…

are you implying crusader have a higher chance of getting it than a barbarian?


Lets just say that I have spent two days grinding shards and spent them on my necro until I got suspicious and googled for assistance and spent maybe 3.000 shards on my crusader to get the hands. Never tried with barbarian.

I am grinding for eternity , I dont get any Primal Ancient dropping in Grifts.
This is so frustrating , I wonder how those top players do it. They seems like having Primal Ancient all over their equipment .

I got four primal weapons and an amulet that are completely useless but one ring and set pants for my necro and one weapon on my crusader.

If you look at the hours these people spend in the game its just a luck thing that the more you loot and can gamble, the more you end up with.

Just dont focus on primals. Make the best of your ancients.

I have a few , but ALL are not usable except for my Tal Rasha Chest…
this grinding seems discouraging after truck loads of garbage