Blood Nova: Tragoul vs Inarius

Same 10,000% Multiplier

Inarius needs to be nearer.
Tragoul can be a little farther (Zei can be equipped)

Toughness: (I am not sure)
Tragoul offers 88% effective DR (including Dayntee)
Inarius offers 75% effective DR (including Wisdom of Kalan)

Having Wisdom of Kalan, Inarius will be forced to lose COE (which is a good source of +66% average DPS). Why over at Inarius is rated at par with Tragoul? Am I missing something or interpreted them wrong?

The DR on Inarius is Just theory.
In action, that Inarius is terrible, that a 1000% vunrable setup. Total waste of time, because It does too mucho.

I tested both sets, trangs is far far better.