Blizzard, please make Trag'Oul great again!

Hey guys,

imho, the three most interesting class sets in terms of game mechanic are Thorns of the Invoker, Raiment of the Jade Harvester and Trag’Ouls Avatar.
I would really love to see Trag’Ouls being great and competitive again. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any Trag’s build that can really stand up against the other Necromancer sets: LoN mages is stronger, LoN cold lance is stronger, LoN thorns goes through the roof, Pestilence cold lance is a no brainer, LoN blood nova is better, Inarius cold lance and blood nova plays way more smoothly. Especially the LoN buff ruined Trag’Oul for me.
Another issue arises from LoN Star Pact with Archon: This build is so strong, that groups can easily clear content that a Trag’Oul boss killer just cannot handle anymore. The other day in a 132 GR I could have harmed Bloodmaw way worse had I just talked to him about mobile games. It feels so unsatisfying.

Again, Trag’s definately needs some attention.


I was hoping that the set would get a buff in 2.6.6, but they didn’t buff any sets and instead focused on legendary affixes, which is a welcome change. I’m still holding out that they will rework some sets in the future, especially my beloved Necro.

Nova could be great and really shine with this set but it doesn’t unfortunately and works better as LoN or Inarius.

They could ramp the Corpse explosion up too, or stack the gloves from 5 up to 20 like Corpse lance and that might work. CE is fun with Trags but WAY too squishy to use unless they lowered the health taken to 1%-2% for each explosion.

What about the Rathma set? It also sucks.


It seems they make Pestilence great again.

I love the idea behind the Trag’Oul set. Freaking vampire Necro? Yes please, and it was the set I intended to use until I found out it’s not at all fun or as powerful as the other Necro sets, especially now. To this day I have no idea how Trag’Oul’s didn’t become the premiere Simulacrum set . . . oh wait the Simulacrum is always drunk and moody with no direct mechanics from Trag’Oul’s effecting it’s . . . effectiveness. Also why no creepy vamp form for the set hrm? HRM? :smile:

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They can easily buff Trag 6p but they would need to alter or replace the blood lance rune on corpse lance so we don’t don’t just shift back to bloodlancer.

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They could just add some of the abilities it had from diablo 2 v1.1. Something like casting free fireballs when spending essence sounds easy enough. Or they could add additional set bonuses if you equip the unique scythe and bracers.