Blizzard forgot about Demon Hunter?

Good morning everyone
I love the Demon Hunter class very much and I can’t understand how Blizzard can ignore us for so long and not pay us any attention.

The Demon Hunter is a damn cool class and is loved by many players.

There should still be a balance patch and hopefully they will finally do something for the Demon Hunter, otherwise I don’t want to start the new season !.

Actually I didn’t want to go that far, but tomorrow there will be a new game and it looks dame good!!!

Here is the trailer: Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem - Release Trailer - YouTube 1

I really want Blizzard to do something until the season starts for the Demon Hunter.

So do it well and see you soon.

I hear you Lanto. I am in the same boat, this PTR and possibility of a buff to Demon Hunter will decide my continued commitment to D3.

I have played this beta for 30 hours and enjoyed my time, their final patch notes look good – especially for a player who likes to theory craft, i need more than 3 builds with half a dozen variants every 6-12 months to keep occupied.

I’ll probably play this season through Guardian at least on one Region, perhaps all three, but I don’t see myself playing the season longer than that. If the theme stays what it is, then there will be no improvement for the builds I’m likely to play as for as DH goes.

I could go for Necromancer and mess around with LoD to experiment a bit, which I did when the theme was Legacy of Nightmares, but I don’t know if I want to do that.

At any rate, it’s unlikely that we’ll see anything for the DH this patch but I have to admit the anticipation of what our new set might be in Season 21 has me bit excited for that anyway.