! Blizzard: BAN, BAN, BAN the first in the rankings!

Cheating like that is something that I hope that they get banned for. Just fixing it and cleaning up the leader boards isn’t a good idea. Because it sends mixed messages as far as exploits goes. Even though I know that Blizz is known for sending mixed messages about people using exploits. That is why those that took advantage of the Looking for Raid bug in WoW years ago where they could get more gear from it than they were supposed to thought that the worse that would happen would be Blizz taking the extra gear gotten from that LFR (looking for Raid). Instead they added an eight day suspension with the removal of extra gear.

Get a life.

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Just to get banned
The only correct part of your statement is the



Why did they remove clears done with Marauder from overall LBs???
Why so lazy approach!?

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Not just clears done with Marauder, but ANY clears done by toons which have Marauder equipped at the time the removal took place.

I removed Marauder for a couple minutes to do The Thrill…GR45 2:03…they even removed that. Even though I wasn’t using a single Marauder piece during it.