Blizz, Did You Increase Monster Density?

In order that this Season’s theme would be a sure success, since it’s based on kill count?


Hey StonePro,

We did not change anything with the monster density for Season 19.


On a related note would you please consider finally fixing the density issues on certain tilesets in nephalem rifts and greater rifts? For example nephalem rift floors using the Shrouded Moors tileset are always abysmaly empty. When it’s the first floor, it’s usually an instant abort. And in GRs people fish for Battlefields of Eternity and Festering Woods tilesets as those are usually packed with enemies, anything else is instant abort.

Please could you finally make tilesets equal? We want less fishing and less fishing means less server load from reduced logout/login cycle which is what you want.


I wonder how many players would even be on the leader boards, if they had to run the rifts that they were give. Instead of just fishing for only the easy ones. :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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Man, no kidding.

I’d rather fail a GR knowing that I need to improve my skills set or improve my gear, and not because of RNG/Phishing.


I would also say stop the timer when porting to the next floor especially on heaven maps. There is easily a 2-3 second delay from clicking and actually switching maps. Doesn’t happen on other maps.

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Haha! I knew it!
That explains a lot! :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

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But for Cow Level you could to increase Cow density. It would be a nice place to reach 1k kill counts. It has already around 720~ cows, more 280 would not hurt.


That you for the reply. Very gratifying.

You have settled an argument in which I maintained that monster density was increased to make the best show of the kill-count based Season theme.

I have spent a lot of time in this game, over 15,000 hours since 2012, and during the last year, made the Season Journey to Guardian six times every Season if I can manage it, once on each of six accounts.

Now, having spent all this time in the game, I get a pretty good feel for the numbers of monsters I encounter. For example, if I don the Shadow’s Mantle set, a focused single-target set, I am swarmed by more white trash than I see in cases where I’m using my normal farming set, the Unhallowed Essence.

At the start of this Season, I was both amused and alarmed to see more (worthless white trash) monsters packing every square inch of every map I entered than I’ve literally ever seen before. And it seems sensible to me that if a density adjustment was made, it would be made to monsters that were worth the least amount of XP so as not to skew the XP earnings in any given Rift event.

But alas, we’ll call it observational bias, or whatever, but since others have said they see no difference in density, and you have now confirmed it, I suppose I must capitulate.

Thank you again for your reply, and for the speed of your reply, again, very gratifying indeed.

Well, that’s me. I’ve never been a Fisher. I take what I get and finish it as fast as I can. The only time I RIP a GR is when it looks like I will continue to get into trouble and possibly die…hardcore, you know…

I reached 1K+ kills twice in the cow level.

It is more about map layout than density. You need map where you can group monsters fast and easy. Density is similar on different layouts.

Sadly, I can give this no more than one like.

But the question remains in my mind…

Well therein lies the issue! :slight_smile:

I’m astonished people are struggling to get 1k kills in the Cow Rift? I’ve never failed to do so when I want to see Diablo…there are always plenty enemies and especially if you trigger the event where the mass amount of cows spawn.

I mean 1k without to start ntcl npc cow waves attackes.

The shrouded moors map is really a pain in Rifts. This map need much more enemies.