Beta launch date revealed by microsoft store

search for diablo-ii-resurrected-beta on the microsoft store, and scroll down to the bottom where they cite the release date.

are you paying attention “community managers” ?

IDK i think its a pretty sad situation when microsoft can be used as an example of “keeping customers informed” but this is what we’re working with, gamers.


Haha. That’s pretty funny. Nice catch.

where does it show the beta release date? only see the 09/23 which is the actual release date

It’s under the actual Beta page. It says Aug. 17. There’s another post on here talking about it.

You are late:


Not my work, I saw on reddit and figured I better sling shot that shade at Slizzard while I could.

I really wish i could have insight as to what they think theyre doing at their jobs, and if anyone actually thinks “yes we are doing a good job”


thanks for sharing. good to have an idea now

You are this desperate? Like, I get it Blizz has done some terrible things past and present. However, the vagueness around game release dates has been a staple in the industry forever. Especially now more than ever deadlines are being pushed whether it’s beta or not. I get it, you per-ordered to play early, but in all reality they could release it on the 31st of August and still be withing their said time frame. I hope the next person to post a useless thread is revoked access at this point. I want to play as much as the next person, but flooding the threads with this doesn’t do much.

Insert Peter Griffin Family Guy Meme here.

Oh my god Who the hell cares!

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it was removed from the site as far as i can see, as well it was probably put up by mistake. In all likelihood blizzard is aiming for a window around then and as such told microsoft that so they can have the items flagged for things. it’s kinda like how a ton of stuff had “leaked” release dates after the pandemic hit on stores and didn’t show up or get announced for those dates because of the delays that came with it. Microsoft probably has an internal date to expect when their servers will be hit and blizzard hopes to hit it but it could be changed so they don’t want to announce it yet.

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Yup, it was removed. I mean, i still have the snippet I sent in discord.

Imagine actually complaining to another company and telling them to remove information

compared to

sharing information with your own customer base.

gj slizzard, you actually never cease to amaze me


Exactly what kind of advance information do you need to be informed about regarding a beta test?? When it’s available this month, you’ll know. The idea we all need to have this information immediately, for god only knows what purpose, is why any self-respecting person wouldn’t want to be associated with the word “gamer”, because, unfortunately, the stereotype of them is entitled brats posting nonsense like you just did.

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Well, our reasoning is, as it is a stress test, surely notifying people in advance would help get the desired amount of players on at any one time, and if it is only a short weekend window, which is what was hinted at, even more so.

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the amount of misinformation in this post is amazing

Did Microsoft make a post that said blizzard informed them to take down the date? Or maybe they contacted you personally? Is it not just as likely as someone saw that someone put a date that wasn’t meant to be posted on the store when everyone started talking about it and Microsoft took it down on their own accord. Game companies hate it when other companies leak their private info and the Xbox team know that just as well if not better than others with all the leaks they have had in the last few years.

They have shared the only definitive info they have with us. Do I wish they had more info for us by now, of course I do but I am not going to ask them to give me a date they don’t know they can hit. They told us August and have said that it is still on schedule for that.

It’s safe to say it’s not this weekend so they have a whole week to let us know if it’s next weekend. I would rather they don’t tell me to expect something this week and then be told It’s being pushed back. How many times have big companies including Blizzard missed dates and screwed over the community when they have planned around them. I want to know all the information as soon as possible but I also don’t want to have my plans ruined like Amazon did with new world or blizzard has done with many previous games.

you are in a thread of people complaining about it launching 8/17 according to a store post by microsoft, which would hint that it’s not just a weekend window…

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Since the date got taken down, it seems it was actually legit. Thanks Microsoft.


As ive read around the xbox beta will be open beta, so it wont be early access beta, this means that early access beta will happen august 10, one week before the open beta.

If that date has beeen removed, then they maybe delayed it

Where have you read that? Everything they’ve said points to early access beta for PC, Xbox, and PS. That’s the whole point of pre ordering the game lol. It even talks about the early access to beta on the Xbox pre-order page.

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With all due respect, you’re nuts if you don’t think Blizzard knows the exact date of both betas already. These things are planned long ahead of time. If they know the exact day that the game is going to be done and shipped, then they know when the betas - that will take place before the game is done - will happen. I mean, we’re running low on weekends between now and then.

The question is why they love withholding information for seemingly no reason except to make the forums erupt into frustration and speculation. They could have put it all to bed on August 1st if they wanted to, they clearly just don’t want to. It’s baffling.

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they know when they want the beta to be they don’t know that nothing will go wrong i have been in game dev before and just because you aim for a window doesn’t always mean you hit it, usually with a release date you push it farther then you think you need to so you have time to fix stuff (unless you are a AAA in modern times and just expect huge crunch because screw people) but with something like a test phase it can be last minute you find out your client doesn’t work because of the fix you put in this week and you have to push the dates. In those situations you want to wait till you have a stable enough build to release the info so you can avoid the bad publicity from pushing the date and everyone saying you can’t even make a game.

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Well it’s hard to say. They had an outage for D2 last week. Was it related to putting up D2R servers? maybe, maybe not. Anyhow, it’s hard to say since most companies I worked at generally have a Go/No Go date. This is essentially a meeting that they run through everything to ensure it meets a certain set of standards. If the decision is ‘Go’ that’s most likely when the communication to the end user’s goes out. I’d expect them to have something similar given that it’s a “launch” as this is also a great opportunity for a practice run.