Best Stats non Ancient VS Sub Stats Ancient

Hi. I am currently grinding grift with my Holy Shogun Crusuader and been trying to gamble for last 2 ancient piece (shoulder and Glove).

Best stats on glove is 2 crit stats + CDR
Best Stats for shoulder is Area damange, CDR and Skill 15% damage

Both pieces required 3 criteria for best stats which i am wearing it now but non ancient. I found/gamble some ancients ones and even primals, but manage to get maximum of only 2 criteria out of 3. So is it worth it to wear them in order to climb higher grift ladder especially because ancient can be Augmented.

And also as you know for augmenting, you need to use ancient gears. So will you be very particular for the gear pieces. (For example, if the main stats max is 550-650, you only augment those above 620 stats.)