Being able to equip 2 weapon shards

So im pretty sure this is unintended but we are currently able to equip 2 weapon shards making DW builds insanely overpowered.

Im abit surprised to see that there werent any threads about it.
Thought id mention it :slight_smile:

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No one mentioned it because we like it.

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Can load 2x Shards simultaneously in Weapons - #2 by Meteorblade-2266 doesn’t exist.

It is not mentioned here either - Screen shots of the new shards [spoiler] - #11 by TinneOnnMuin-1187

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Ahh i didnt check the bug report forum. My bad :slight_smile:

Yep it is pretty cool. I hope they keep that. LOL

Fixed now.

If you have both socketed still, they will continue to work, but if you try to swap, you’ll now get a message preventing you from equipping the second weapon.

Edit: Sorry, not fixed. The way to get around the checks is to equip the weapons unsocketed and then put the gems in the sockets.